Wednesday, January 19, 2011

not a lot going on

I left out of here shortly before 8am and had no trouble on my way into work. I got my first sale just before 10:30am break and on a card and that was it for the rest of the day. James, Bob, Dave got nothing all day. So I did slightly better then they did by at least getting on board. I mean if nobody got anything all day, what does that speak to the campaign/source we’re on?

The cordless phone was lying nearby at 3pmso seeing as how the calls were coming in slow, I called Anne and had a brief chat before she headed out to work. I hung around the office there for awhile and then headed home. I got a seat on the train all the way home and waited for a bus to come in. I thought, well if the road is going to be slippery and full of ruts out here I may as well get off over there by Sifton School and walk in North from there. It was a lot better going in because the grader had tracked on the grass making it easy for me to walk home. I got in about 5:pm!


Anne had this “Shepherds pie” or whatever it was…uggh. I didn’t like it at all. So I had some cereal with my insulin. I was going to play around in the studio this evening but I don’t have the energy for this sort of thing right now.

At work due to the ammount of slow calls coming in, I decided to get caught up on my SF Signal podcasts. I had that in my ear on the way home and while on the #183 I met Moe, our previous room manager and we had a nice talk.

Today was kind of a lame day. Anne’s going to be home in about an hour, I’ll have a bite to eat watch the news and go to bed.

Earlier while on YouTube, I wanted to check out the various ITab type tablet PC’s out there. I kind of like Samsung’s Galaxy but its $599 on a 3 year contract. Crazy. Anyway, that’s all for now.

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