Friday, September 9, 2011

I decided to go to the

game after all in an unusual turn of developments, I was told the boss had tickets for the game. So I asked him if I could have one. I’d get my check at 4:30pm. Just as well because Anne had only about 20% of a 2 L bottle of diet Coke for me. I bought a half litre (barely) at the pharmacy. I didn’t do to badly on CFK and I called Anne to let her know that I’d be going to the game. She asked me to come up to Pizza and get her bank card, deposit her share into her account and leave $50 at home. It was a beautiful warn +30 day on my way up to where Anne works and I could feel my bsl dropping. I got to the 17th floor of her building and got her card and the bank teller was open. I did my banking through that and I got what was left over equal to what Anne would have. I went to Starbucks across the street and got some kind of a chocolate thing and coffee and after about 20 minutes of that I went to Central station and caught the train to Stadium. It was about 5:30pm when I called Warren and he said they’d be about an hour away. So I read for awhile at Stadium and then caught the Clairview bus. I bought at the Redimart I bought a candy bar and die coke and caught the train back to Stadium as it was nearing 6pm. I hung around waiting until about 6:30pm and headed out Commonwealth where Warren said he’d meet me. I hung around outside for awhile as the crowd poured in. They checked my bag at the tables outside before the doors and I asked if I could sit by the disabled section. I haven’t been inside Commonwealth in over 22 years. I didn’t know my way around. I called Warren inside Commonwealth at the pay phones and he said they were just leaving the bar. I waited for about 20 minutes. In came my Lodge brother Nathan who shook hands with me in the crowd as they were calling names of the Esks team. I said a few things to him. I waited a bit more asking a stranger wearing Esks colors if there was more then one entrance as the National anthem was about to play. Gerry came in next and made eye contact with me. He headed somewhere else and I hung around for Warren that caught my attention. We got settled into where all the wheelchairs were, underneath the upper bowl in the corner slightly behind the uprights by the North end zone.

The first half wasn‘t all that exciting. The Esks were losing 7-3 in the first quarter. Then 10-6 and it went lopsided 16-6 after that. I left in the middle of the half and headed for the train. It was about 8:30pm as I waited for my train to Clairview listening to some of the game the bus driver had on his radio. Esks 9 Stamps 17 late in the 3rd. I was home shortly after 9:15pm to catch the last of the 4th quarter. The Esks just couldn’t make anything happen. I watched the last bit on TV and it was something like 13-20 Calgary. Calgary made another TD and the Esks I think made 1 TD when the finale score was 30-20. So much for my $197 ticket but my $66 ticket is still alive. Anyway, that’s all for now.

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