Sunday, October 2, 2011

As a young man in

in my early 20’s unemployed in New Westminster at the time, there was a place I’d go to occasionally that I’d go and pick up my comic books and have a burger. I liked the place because it had booths and the burgers were good. I think it was along 10th & 3rd streets in between downtown and uptown New West. At the time I was heavily into reading Archie comic books and I was looking for a place like “Pops” or like “Arnolds” from Happy days, but a bit laid back. A place that could have been right out of the 1940’s drugstores.. I tried looking for it on Google Maps and found a place similar to it. Well, the building looks familiar but that was something like 37 years ago. I‘d give anything to be able to go back in time and live my life over from that time I got the Army & Navy job with Lou April.

There were a lot of places I used to eat at back in the early 1970's. My favorite place though (long gone now) was the Fraser cafe across the street beside where "The Keg" is now. Across from The Fraser cafe was a little greasy spoon called The Pacific cafe, although I mostly ate at The Fraser cafe in those days. Both establishments are long gone.

I met James at Tim’s this morning and walked with him to the office. We did a tap campaign, fresh. I ended up with over $800 and about $200 on card. Apparently according to Jattan staff can’t receive any bonus money if they don’t put in a minimum of 35 hours a week. He’s going to give them to me this week because I’ll have 42 hours in at the end of the week. I ended up with a $10 bonus and in 4th place as far as the tap shooters go.

I rode home alone on the LRT after a bit of a sprinkle I guess we had about 4:30pm. I’m glad because there are some people there that I don’t get along with and one in particular always seems to latch onto me as I’m heading into the office on my commute at Rexall. All I want to do is to wake up and ride in alone. I called Anne at Clairview and she had breakfast/brunch ready for me when I came in. Good stuff.

This week, I’ll be working Sunday 5 hours, Monday 7 hours, Tuesday 8 hours, Wednesday 8 hours, Thursday Lodge, Friday 8 hours, Saturday 6 hours for a total of 42 hours. This works out great because next weekend is Thanksgiving weekend. All I have to do is to go in for Saturday and I have the 9th & 10th off. Great. Anyway, that’s all for now.

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