Saturday, January 14, 2012

On the train during my morning commute I realized

a couple of things: I left my insulin at home and I forgot the Linux install disk. Rats.

My Saturday morning commute was under a cold -6 overcast sky. You could feel the weather pattern changing. Colder weather is on its way. I got a Tim's breakfast and grumbled to  myself where were staff to let me inside? I didn't need to do this in the Baker Centre. Finally James let me in and I found my station and I had my breakfast in the lunchroom. Keith said after work he'd help me out.

My voice was holding up better then Thursday but not by much. By this time next weekend my check will be a 3rd of the size it is now but it all goes to my wife. Noon break came around and I already had a couple of sales and a card. From noon until 2pm was slow as I only had 1 sale and my voice wasn't holding up very well at all. At break I headed outside down to Tim's and what a difference in the weather. There was a real bite to the air. I got 1 more sale on a card and someone said "finally, here comes the snow." As bad as I was sounding and all I stuck it out for the full 6 hours and those 6 hours went by fast. 

I brought my laptop into the reception area and opened it up. Keith tried and so did Vinny but with out the install disk, not much can be done. So Keith said for me to call him at 8 this evening and hopefully over the phone he'll be able to help me out. Failing all of that, I might have to bring it in tomorrow...again.

So, I'm going to grab a nap for an hour and give him a call. Anyway that's about all for now. 

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