Thursday, May 2, 2013

I'm in for a near full day

today as I'm leaving an hour early to go to Lodge.I'll leave at 4pm head home have enough time to eat clean up and head out. It's going to be an easy night.

This story from i09 caught my attention: The growing fear of having your brain hacked -- for real. With all these new brain implants on the market, it's becoming increasingly important for manufacturers to make sure they're safe. Brain-computer interfaces, like the ones produced by NeuroSky and Emotiv, allow users to control objects and video games with their thoughts. So could this be a type of armagodon if say millions of people like those suffering from epilepsy have their implants hacked? You can read more here.

Yesterday after work, I was glad to get out of the office even though the air was still brisk many were wearing Spring coats. I headed over to Rexall to get some Motrin and I bought a pair of snazzy Sun glasses. I like these kind rather then the others because I have a lazy eye that makes me look like I'm always angry, since I had my cataract operations 2004:

 I was debating if I should get that Visa gift card to get the VST RealLPC but I'm so insecure about my job I don't want to waste my savings, which could keep me going for 8 weeks before and if I get my EI claim. If it comes down to that. Most likely if I'm laid off after this project, I'll be able to continue on my week-to-week expenses for at least the time it takes until I get my first EI check. I wouldn't mind taking 4-6months off, then what? 

So after I got my glasses I got a 6/49 ticket, I went to Subway and got a 6 inch sub to take home..  

I got the Clareview train home wearing my new shades. I wont wear them to Lodge tonight though. I watched a bit of hockey,listened to YouTube and relaxed. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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