Monday, December 15, 2014

I missed my bus this morning

and had to walk down to Clareview about 10:50am. If I had to wait for another bus that might have been another half an hour and on a Sunday morning, that wasn't going to happen. But I enjoyed the walk to Clareview station just the same. Fortunately the train was there for me and I got to Corona station about 11:30. It was nice and Sunny and almost Spring-like walking to the office and unlike Saturday morning the sidewalk was dry.  

There was only me and another of my colleagues and the supervisor in the office for the shift. I figured I'd be out of the office about 4pm. There were 1200+ numbers in the calling cue. I thought, maybe between myself, Victoria and Ottawa offices we'd breeze out of these by 4pm, yeah right. When 4pm rolled around there was still 900 + numbers remianing. I didn't bring a lunch because I thought I'd be in and out according to the boss yesterday. Not having a good sleep the night before, and no lunch and I had about $5 on me, I was going to be in for a long day. However, there was food left over from the night before in the fridge so I felt good about that. The extra 7.5 hours is going to help the bottom line. 

I was tired when I left the office about 8pm. I tried doing face time with Anne because she was home today but I couldn't get through. I got home shortly before 9pm and Anne was on the couch in face time with her sister. She later said she saw me trying to reach face time with her.
Ok I don't know what's going on with Sony and these so called  "Guardians of Peace," hackers. Personally I have no interest in anything they do nor will it influence my decision to see the next James Bond movie. Some people are saying its an inside job, meh.

Anyway, I'm in the office from 4-9 today (or earlier) and off Tuesday. Anyway, that's all for now.

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