Wednesday, August 26, 2015

There's been way too many of these types of

incidents where clumsy people inadvertently wreck valuable objects of art. Its not necessarily the perpetrators at fault here. The real blame is with the careless way these objects are displayed and exposed by the very venues themselves. To get more of what I'm talking about go here.

Forest fires close to the Canadian boarder in Washington state are causing complications in Southern Alberta. So much so that the City of Calgary has issued a health advisory warning. Even the Calgary Stampeders football club were having trouble on the practice field yesterday. With a full moon out tonight the moon, thanks to the fires will be almost blood red.

I'm not a huge TV watcher. I might do 15-20 hours a week. Now that I have this time off I'm watching more CFL football. Looks like I'll be watching a bit more TV because this Saturday on Space, begins the new season of Doctor Who. We missed last season due to work that sort of thing. I hope to catch more episodes this year then last year.

In my current line of work, I'm like a contractor. I have a job but there's just a shortage of work until the next project. What do most contractors do between contracts? They go on ei and wait by the phone or call to see if anything is is happening. That's essentially what I'm doing now. So today I'm calling the office to get a update. If there's no answer then I'll go in on my own about 8pm to see if anyone I know is leaving the building around closing time. Then go in the next day. I'm sending my resume out again today. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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