same numbers as everyone else last night, but last night I got mostly voice mail on the other end, or no answers. I didn't even get on the board yet others were doing better then me. I sucked big time. I still left the office feeling good. One of my colleagues that I rode home with last night got one complete. So I didn't feel that bad. I hope I don't get called in for Friday.
I'm kind of under the weather myself right now so I think I might call in, saying I won't be able to make lodge. I've been going steady showing up at most practices, visitations and attending lodge, filling in here and there every month. I need a break. I've got a some challenges going on in my immediate periphery, that need my attention.
No spoiler alerts but I'm about to wrap up "Words of Radiance" this week. I don't want to read another series, until the New Year. I might read a Robert J Sawyer book from Audrey's. He's always good for an entertaining read. In the meantime, I'm chillin and taking it easy. I've got a couple of nights off maybe a long weekend. I need to get to a stationary bike at the Clareview rec centre, get some circulation back into my legs. Most likely I'll use that Saturday night if I'm not doing anything around here. Anyway, got to go, answer some email and shit. Happy Halloween everyone.