Thursday, March 28, 2019

Jealousy is nasty business

folks. Jealousy can lose lips and sink ships. It can break up a marriage and divide a friendship. Jealousy is poison. Jealousy is blind and knows no loyalty. Jealousy has a mind of its own. Jealousy betrays and harbours feelings of anxiety. Jealousy breads bitter fruit and is possessive. I was on the other end of jealousy late last year, when someone I thought was a mutual friend of a friend of mine, betrayed me. In a text meant for him when I was vulnerable, does he talk about it with me first like most friends would? No. Without my permission he shows this text to the other friend and has her turn against me for his own ends. Be careful if these people. They may think they are your friends but in reality, they'll turn on you faster then a Game of thrones villain. Make certain they know that text messages are private, not to be shared without your consent. Don't just assume.

After about five months I managed to get a piece of music uploaded to You Tube last night. Its a music video of some samples I arranged in Fl Studio. Its an ambient number using an arpeggiator, a drum loop and a synth vocal sample plus some effects from FL. studio in the intro. The samples were lifted from some iPad apps and then uploaded to Audio share. Its a cool work flow. I used some automation, to make the track my own. The video is just under 2 minutes. I uploaded it to my Facebook "Shannon on Sounds" page as well. I'm also having a go at VCV rack. It's open source virtual modular software. VCV is kind of like a free learning source for those that like the concept of modular synthesis without spending money on the actual gear itself. I hope to get a video up on that in the next couple of weeks.

Still no word about work. Some people are saying that work is being slowed down due to the upcoming Provincial election April 16th. This makes sense because of all of the robo calls from the various candidates and political parties homeowners and cell phone users receive. Last night on the news, the Alberta party (Stephen Mandel) had a great idea to transport oil. Its probably nothing new but is to me. He has the idea to solidify oil to the size of hockey pucks, or larger. This way there is no need for expensive pipelines, or even rail. I imagine they could even be shipped by cargo planes. I like Jason Kenney's idea of pulling out of the equalization payment program, which sends billions of $ out of the Alberta economy to wealthy provinces like Quebec. lots of interesting stuff. I'm hoping to get back to work after the election. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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