Sunday, December 15, 2019

Friday the 13th was a sad day around here

as it was late in the evening while Anne was on her way home from work, we lost our cat Rusty. Rusty was a stray cat we had for about 4 years. Anne was feeding him for about 3 years before we brought him in. We're not allowed pets here but because we were here before the current management they let us keep the two cats. I was at the computer and I heard this growl. I thought it was one of the cats defending its territory. I went out and investigated but didn't anything. When Anne got home by 11:30, to give Rusty his cat treats, he was unresponsive. We don't know what killed him. Anne suspects it was a heart murmur of some kind. Rusty even came up to see me while I was lying on the bed before that. We'll get over it but his loss was so sudden. It wasn't like we had to put him down or anything.

This is the last photo of Rusty. Its been a rough year for me, what with a friend of mine walking out and abandoned me without warning or explanation. Work has been slow, then getting my teeth pulled between August-November. In October I lost my new iPod and now we lost Rusty.

Yesterday, while the weather was better, and Rusty on my mind, and after I called Staples, they said glibly over the phone, "Oh we have that, we have that." I walked over there with my cramped up leg teeth working good in my mouth. I wanted to get the Microsoft Bluetooth mouse and the Apple Lightning USB 3 Camera adapter. When I got there the clerk said, "what's it for?" I said "its a USB camera adapter that accepts USB devices for i0s." "But what's it for?" I was looking after explaining this several times to find out they don't have it. "Ok, do you have the Microsoft Bluetooth mouse, its priced at around $24." "No we have the Logitec mouse for 50." I knew what their game was: To get me into the store to buy something. I wasn't going to play that game. I was pissed. At least I got some exercise. I walked as far as the bus stop across the street from Sifton park school and my leg cramped up again so I decided to wait for the #183 that came by right away. I called Northgate London drugs and asked if they have that same blue tooth mouse that Staples had. Yes they do. The could save the mouse for me at the counter. So this morning I went to London drugs, feeling better with the mussel relaxant in me. My teeth were feeling much better. I got to London Drugs and got my product. To the clerk that served me: "Do you have the Apple lightning USB 3 camera adapter in stock?" He took me to that part of the computer department. I looked on one side, him on the other. He found it. Perfect. Both items $105 on my debit. Sweet

So I walked to the Northgate transit on the same property as in the yellow red path in the image above, feeling pretty good about my purchase and then home

If all goes well Monday, I'll find out if my Long & McQuade order is in for Komplete 12 Ultimate is in. I'll run over tomorrow afternoon, get that and uninstall the old Komplete 8 and, watch wrestling and hockey. Anne gets the computer. At least if the Oilers are doing poorly I'll have Wrestling. Tomorrow could be a good day. Anyway that's all for now. 

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