Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anne's trying to run the Iron

Man 2 DVD one of the guys from work went and lent me out of his collection Friday night but we have the older (2008) Xbox 360 where before Microsoft updated Xbox Live, we could watch DVD's. When I got the video game "Fable 3 as a Christmas present" 2 years ago Microsoft went and updated the "Xbox live" automatically which took out all that I had gotten used to before the update. The update failed to run Fable 3 as a result of that Anne was fortunate that Walmart allowed us to refund her purchase. We may have to rent it "Iron Man 2" on pay per view, if it's still available. 

We went and ordered Iron man 2 after all on pay per view and for the most part I was enjoying the film. Rule #1: Never watch movies I want to watch while Anne is around because she does nothing but cause distractions, has to comment or ask questions every 10 minutes, or gets up walks around talks to the cat and totally wrecks the movie experience for me. Near the end of the movie I reached over and tried to pet our cat Sporty on the couch beside me something I've done a lot of times and I startled him causing him to jump and he clawed my left middle finger almost taking it off the bone in the process. I've got this nasty inch long gouge/cut that looks like it might need stitches to show for it. I blame myself for all of this because I should have known better. I should have tested the DVD on my laptop Friday night then let Anne order the movie Friday night and watched it this evening letting her watch the movie on her own time. But I thought the Xbox might play DVD movies but I should have known better. Also her big blow up Friday night wouldn't have let me order the movie anyway. For the most part I did enjoy the movie. I thought on a scale from 1-10 I rated it a 9. Thor I rated it a 9.5 Captain America a 9. This has been the 3rd Marvel Studio's movie I've seen since last August and so far none of them have failed to disappoint.
I almost have my Fast Track audio interface hooked up to Cubase. I've got a test track in mono playback on a stereo track but at least it has all my connections and I'd reading them as active. The test track is just testing my voice but the wave form is in 2 parts on top of each other along a single lane. can be tough sometimes when your me. 

I've had enough silliness for this weekend. Friday night Anne exploded on me because a bit of ketchup landed on her new rug, then I had a lousy day on the job yesterday and then Anne's blowup this morning and at 7pm Neil is picking me up for the Lodge practice tonight and Monday I'm leaving early to go get my haircut. Anyway, that's all from me this morning.

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