Wednesday, March 7, 2012

There's an old

song by an 80's song called "everybody's working for the weekend" by the band called "Loverboy" and there's a lot of truth in that. My favorite times of the week is when I get that paycheck and 4:30pm on a Saturday when I'm out the office door and away from the job for a couple of days. However, I have a couple of more d ays ahead to get there.
Yesterday my first day getting back after "the weekend" (for me it's mostly Saturday night Sunday/Monday). After this weekend, I'm working Mondays because I'm off in a couple of weeks for a week off (10 full days) including weekends and a stat in there I get paid for because I'm on "holidays." Not that I'm going anywhere or anything but I need 10 days just to sleep in lounge around the house and to take care of other business.
The other night they were talking about the Starchild project. For the "WTF" of us out there I'll bring you up to speed. This from Wiki: The Starchild skull is an abnormal human skull allegedly found in Mexico that is claimed to be the product of extraterrestrial-human breeding or genetic manipulation. Tests conducted utilizing mtDNA recovered from the skull have established it as human. A fellow by the name of Lloyed pie received the skull by a couple in the 1950's and he's held it ever since. it's believed that the Starchild skull is about 900 years old. Pie believes it is a human alien hybrid because the way the teeth are formed and I'm on board with this. He makes a strong case for it. Interesting stuff.

I just learned that Tia Tequila (the woman who for years has been trying to expose a "illuminati" presence in the music industry had a suffered an almost fatal aneurysm Monday and might have permanant brain damage. Over the years she really believed there was an "illuminati" conspiracy. People have been exposing Illuminati symbolism in music videos for a while now, not that I personally believe in any of them but it is interesting how some people use the "illuminati" as cruch something to blame for all the things wrong in their lives, pathetic really.

I've got a full day ahead of me. Last night I got the  idea to go  into Tim's on my way home at Corona station and this university kid gets in front of me. Most of the staff are cleaning and all I just want is a decaff before my train gets there. So the kid starts ordering all  kinds of stuff. I said screw this and went to catch my train. I missed the first one and had a 10 minute wait for the second one and as I was waiting for my train I'm thinking that kid is probably still ordering. I was pissed. All I wanted was a small coffee to go and that was it. A 30 second order. I'll try it again and if the kid is at the door same time as me, I'm going to rush in ahead of him. It's probably an illuminati Tim Horton conspiracy ;-) Anyway, that's about all from me today

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