Monday, July 16, 2012

I got up out of here

about 10:40am and had some cereal and fed the cats and got ready for my little jaunt downtown. At about 11:20am it was muggy out there but I had our Itouch player listening to some music by The Clash. I had a 10 minute wait for the train and a brief wait between Stadium and Churchill and I was at Scotia making my deposit. A brief wait for the train and (on track 2 this time, finally.) I was home about 12:40pm, so just under an hour. I got the funds uploaded to pp and this means I’ll have the funds in pp by next Wednesday.

ETS tunnel construction from the Bissel Centre to Churchill station is at the half way mark. They should probably break free to Churchill by the New Year if all goes well. I think they are 60% done and will have the new line opened on time April 2014. Which isn't that far away.

This upcoming round of CFL games are as thus Winnipeg(W)/Toronto, Saskatchewan/ Calgary(T), Edmonton/BC(T), Montreal/Hamilton(W). I'm going to play any game with BC and the Riders on the road as a tie. Week 3 I bombed out, again.

I like where I work downtown. What would make this perfect would be if I can keep my job or at least my next one, work in the general vicinity. I have Audrey's, BP's, Corona station, my Scotia bank, Tim's, Rexall Drugs and I'm within walking distance to LM. The only downside is my RBC bank where I do all my pay check cashing is a little out of the way. I hope I can stay at this job but I feel I'm on thin ice. I know I've said this before but it's a different company now where management is in the US. I won't be just called into the office on a moments notice. If anything, they'll give me a week to shape up or ship out kind of a thing. I'm ok with this, I just need some options to work with. I have a few. One thing I won't work for is for collections or Regional. I feel I have about a week or 2 before I get called into the office it's not a matter of "If" anymore it's a matter of when. I have some options to work with but I need a few more and I know a place where I can get those. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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