Sunday, July 22, 2012

I'm having a pretty

good weekend

Yesterday was ok as well except sales were low. I got 1 all day worth $200 but it wasn't line hour I need. I could have used 2 more sales on card or a $100 on card. I don't understand why I was having so much trouble and other people on similar source were getting all the sales.

After work yesterday I went over to have a beer with the guys and a few laughs. After about 2 hours in there, I was hungry to gets something to eat but BP's food is a bit lame. I ended up going into Tim's for a bowl of their new lasagna. It was really good and it hit the spot. I went home after that.

Over the weekend I’ve been Tweeting here and there about my Proline Sports select CFL games. I had a ticket for all 4 games. Two of these games were picked as ties and they came in causing a bit of a stir in the office. Then when Edmonton won in BC, my ticket was causing a bit of a buzz. If I would have won on this ticket, I would have won $682! Yesterday at BP‘s I was following the game from my iPad as they didn’t have the game on where we were sitting. The game was about half way in the 2nd  Q 10-22. I know my Proline ticket boat was taking water. On my way home from Tim‘s it was late in the 3rd at 39 something for Hamilton. I should have picked a 2nd win on this ticket. Picking 3 games is a lot easier to win on then all 4. From now  on its just 3 games. My ticket sank faster then a iron anchor. But it was an interesting run to say the least. 24-39. There was about 8 minutes left in the game but Hamilton was too much for Montreal. Week #5 is Edmonton/Winnipeg (W) Argo’s/Montreal, Hamilton/Saskatchewan(T), BC/Calgary(T) I’m not even going to touch the Argo/Montreal game. Forget it. 

Coast has a lame show on over night: Greed/ Media Manipulation. There's only so many UFO shows you can do I guess. Tuesday nights show is better: Redefining Space & Time Nassim Haramein.

I've been kind of delaying the guitar because of the difficulty in transporting it home. It comes in a cardboard box Tim was saying. So I thought, why not put it in a garbage bag and carry it home that way? This is a good idea actually, so I'll call ahead first and ask if they have the Fender Squire bullet strat. If so I'll run down and pick it up and ask for a guitar to amp cable, some picks and take a look at the Mustang 1 Fender amp. I have the usb cable that will go right from my amp into my laptop. Until then I can plug the guitar into my audio interface and utilize my Guitar Pro 6 that I bought last November. I also want to take a look at the Fender Mustang 1 amp as well, while they're tuning my guitar. 

The other main concern I have is the Lodge BBQ. Dan said he had a back up cook for me if he can't make it due to work constraints. We also need propane and a BBQ lighter and of course any fixings. I'm calling Mike tomorrow as he's in charge of entertainment. I'll be glad when I'm done this  post. It's interesting but it sure is a lot of work and when you don't have a vehicle your at the mercy of everyone else. I'll be really relieved when I'm done being IPM and I can maybe do the Registrar again but the way things are going in our Lodge, we might end up merging with another York rite lodge in which case, we'll most likely merge with Strathcona #77 or something like that. But I'll be relieved when it's September. Anyway, that's about all for now.


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