Monday, December 31, 2012

Usually on New Years

eve we're sitting about -25 something. At the moment were having a bit of a mild trend. Great way to begin the New Year.

What did I do all day Sunday? I woke up about 11am to take my insulin and went back to bed until about 1:40pm and I was still feeling groggy. Anne went out to do the shopping I read for a bit until I got sleepy and had a nap. She made our usual Sunday breakfast late brunch and went out for about 3 hours to do more shopping. I did some more reading and had another nap and did some more reading and Anne made us dinner. I puttered around with a FL Studio track I'm working on, and that's where I am now. So in other words to answer the opening paragraph question, not much. 

Anne's working tomorrow night and I have a beer and her discount and I'm having Pizza tonight for dinner as she's working and I'm holding down the fort celebrating New Years alone. Sigh, hard to believe this time last year I was our branch office employee of the year. But I have a lot to be thankful for. I have a lovely wife, who is somewhat patient understanding but even that has it's limits. I have a roof over my head (for now) and some options to work with, 2013 will be a great year

I don't like making New Years resolutions but I have some goals. First off get a job I hope I can keep. Pay off my Lodge dues. Pay off that LM bill asap. Get my dental work taken care of. Activate my CPP, get my SIN card, Read more books and short stories, I've been a subscriber of "Daily Science Fiction," for about a year now and I want to read more graphic novels and listen to more podcasts. I also want to attend more hockey games and see more movies. That's just a few of my overall goals for 2013.  

Since this will most likely be my last post for the year. I've had so far this year, over 240 posts. It's been a good year for this Blog. New Years eve should be a time to look back and take stock of what went right and or what went wrong. I don't think I have any regrets for 2012. Anyway, that's about all for now, Happy New Year everybody.


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