Monday, September 21, 2015

I've had Apple's

iOS 9 for a few days now. Its a little buggy. My screen jiggles once in awhile, resets itself, tricks like that. What I do like about the new update is I can now save any webpage or photo as a pdf file to my news stand for offline reading. This is a handy feature for reading emails etc. What I don't like about the new update is that it doesn't want to send a iPod Touch photo via my email like it used to do before. I'm still testing iOS9, and most likely will discover other things over the next few days. 

Tonight I'm following the Calgary/Oiler's pre season game at Rexall place. Its Live on Demand (meaning to say we have to pay for it). Also, I'll be watching my usual Monday night Raw. 

Job wise, I'm laying low over the next few days. If I don't get a call to report to work by Wednesday, I'm going to be cashing in on my assets but leave the door open to who ever wants me first. I got a feeling I'll get a call latter today or Wednesday at the latest.

In a few minutes I'm calling my old school district to enquirer what the process would be for obtaining my school transcripts from the 1960's. I'm curious how much if anything is on file. It'd be cool to see my report cards, my marks, my old teachers, schools I attended and what years. Now that I have a bit of time off, I'd be cool to find all that stuff out. I just contacted my old school district and they will be emailing me a transcript request form. I'm sure there is a small fee to release this info. So I got a pdf form in my email and its a simple form to fill out. There is a $10 fee. I'll get that out tomorrow. Anyway, that's all for now.

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