Sunday, September 13, 2015

For the most part since about

4:30pm yesterday afternoon, I watch CFL football. First there was the Riders/Winnipeg game and then the Stamps/Esks game. That took me up to about 10:30pm.I've had enough football for this weekend.

The other day i09 had a amusing article called: "10 Historical People Who Were Real-Life Magicians," by Rob Bricken. Some of the people I've read about before like, Roger Bacon,John Dee and Edward Kelley etc. Any narrative about magic would be remiss if it didn't include Aleister Crowley in the mix. My history within the OTO and Thelema from 1980-1992 is well documented. When the article mentioned that practitioners of Thelema allowed them to see the future and travel astrally, well I must have passed out during that conversation, damn!

Skippy in this photo is having a nap because she's going out bug hunting later tonight. She needs to conserve her strength.

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I was almost ready to buy the Logitech HD C525 webcam the other day. At $30 seemed like a low cost solution to capture my music video jams. A slight change in plans as I noticed on the Best Buy website they increased the price to $60. I might get it again or something better when I get back to work hopefully before the end of the month. I'm just using Windows movie maker, which is pretty good for audio and video. A few months ago I discovered a open source program called "Blender," which has some pretty good editing features.

On my agenda this week, I'll be doing business with ei and then my bank to set up my Provincial adult health benefits. I'm setting up and or calling on a few part time job prospects this week as well. Yet before that happens I need to get some information about the upcoming project when I go into the office to pick up my small cheque Friday. If the office has no update on the next project, I won't wait on them. I'll be calling some of these prospects Friday or earlier. I'll leave the door open for them of course.

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