Saturday, December 19, 2015

Good thing I went into work last night

at the new job. It seems the Supervisor had a scheduled day off today and the un official acting super doesn't work weekends. Translation: I have a weekend off but instead of the 36 hours, I'll have 32 hours but I still get 18 hours from my other job and that'll be ok for rent. 

So I come home and our kitchen sink is overflowing with water. WTF? There was about an eight of an inch of water all over the counter tops and the floor. Sink water was leaking all over the kitchen. I bailed about half a dozen buckets of water and managed to get everything under control. When Anne came home she was shaken by this but recovered. The sink backed up again later and we got that under control. Anne gave me a sleeping pill and I had a great rest of the evening heading to bed about 3:30am. About 9am Anne was in sheer panic mode. "Get the care taker we need a plumber. Its a emergency." I scrambled to put some cloths on. The acting caretaker was up and about in the hall way by our door and I got her attention explaining the situation. I invited her into the kitchen where Anne was crying bailing from our kitchen sink. After about half an hour of this I went down to get a status report on the ETA of the plumber. She didn't know. Anne figured something was going on between the taps from the people upstairs. Once everything was under control we went back to bed. The plumber knocked on the door sometime later. I stayed in bed. Anne came in later to try and get some sleep saying the crisis is over. He fixed the problem. We now have these 2 big heater fans in the kitchen blowing air drying out the carpeting in the living room. I tweeted a picture of the fans. What a mess but its all under control. I can adjust those fans for the Oilers/Ave's game tonight. 

Speaking of which, Connor McDavid is skating with the team again. Its a start. They are taking small baby steps with his timeline to play with the club. Soon he'll be playing with the puck. The timeline is after the All Star break. Mid January. So its looking pretty good for him. Hopefully he'll be at pre injured game ability when he returns to play. Anyway, that's all for now.

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