Sunday, December 6, 2015

Not that working on the

weekends is a bad thing. It has its ups and downs. Morning commutes are a challenge because out here in Clareview the bus to the LRT ("Clareview station") runs about every half hour. My shift is at 10am on 124th street/107th ave, and if I leave out of here to catch my bus to Clareview station too early I have about half an hour to waste downtown. If I leave out of here at 9am, I'll be late. If I arrive at work at 10:15 this morning for a 10am start, I'll get written up, but I can always forfeit a 15 minute break to make up the difference. I leave at 8:30 and I'm downtown at around 9am nothing is open. I'm going to dread that for the next several years until pension. The good part about Saturday and Sunday shift is I get a full 7.5 hour shift. That's 15 hours in 2 days. Not the best but in a job where I need the hours, that's 30 hours on a cheque. Most likely I'll leave out of here at 9am. I'll leave a voice mail message before I leave saying I'll be late. Anne gave me a melatonin pill, which helped me get a few hours sleep over night. I'm ready to go and no worse for wear. Once the mornings are done, a weekend shift is just like a afternoon shift. I'll get in at about 7:10am, while Anne has our late brunch (breaky) cooking for me.

Rogers Place arena seems to be on pace to open for the 2016/17 season. There's a link on my sidebar list of links that reads "Downtown arena webcam." They've added a rink view. You can watch workers adding in the support structures for the seats on the South side of the rink area. They haven't got the seat structure for the North side in place yet but I'm sure they'll have everything in place to open for next September. The surrounding buildings in the Ice district are under construction. The hotel infrastructure is well underway and the City of Edmonton and Stantec tower is well under way as well. 

The other thing is my first job breaks on the 11th of this month until January. When, I'm not sure. My other job could be breaking for the holidays on the 19th. I'll be able to cover my bills but that's about it. The good news is I'll have about 2 weeks off and I can work on that memory work for the lodge. I'm doing the oral exam for one of our members that took his Master Mason degree. Its public speaking. I've done this before much to our lodge masters confidence in me to do it again. Also, I'll be able to work on that beat, watch some Oiler games and stay up late and sleep in late. Anyway, that's all for now.

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