On my way to work on the Capital line with a colleague on the train approaching the tunnel, there was another construction train in the area called The quarters. I had to do a double take. With so much construction going on around here you wouldn't know we are in a recession. There are 5 construction cranes right now in the downtown core and another going up soon with the Encore condo high rise. Plus MacLaren is undergoing excavation. Not in the core but downtown. So, that's 7 altogether and then there's the Valley line. Lots of stuff going on.
I got this out of Connect to Edmonton posted by kkozoriz today so I thought it'd be good for a laugh:
Too funny.
Friday morning I'm calling head office of my Southside job (HO is in Winnipeg) and I'm ordering my roe year to date. Hopefully I'll have it by next week. It looks like I'll be needing my market research roe as well. Anyway, that's all for now.
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