Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Canada has been hit almost nation wide with a bitter cold snap.

over the last several days. Its been like -25 with a -32 wind chill. its not like we haven't been expecting it. I've been hunkering down here since the last time I went out was for that Northgate mall trip Saturday. I have a Doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. Our local temperatures are supposed to be back in the -single digits next week.

Recording my 3ds xl Nintendo gameplay activity has been occupying my idle thoughts occasionally. Some people go through elaborate camera angles, capture cards, all kinds of things to record their game play activity to their You Tube channels. I got caught up in that as well debating the Home brewing possibility of my 3ds xl device as its an easy process. No R4 cards required. The most popular way to capture gameplay on a 3ds is to use a camera on a tripod. I don't have a tripod. All I have is my iPod Touch and a couple of iPads. Then it occurred to me: Anne brought me a cardboard box to use as a light box to record my i0s screen awhile back. After a bit of modification it worked. The concept of a light box is to have a self enclosed container accessible where the iPad screen can be played with, including a hole cut on top of the box aligning with the i0s device like a birds eye view. Then I thought why not transfer this concept over to my 3ds xl?  After a bit of measure twice, cut once, it works' kind of. My hands still move the 3ds around and even with the device laid as flat as the screen can go and still play a game. I need to tinker around with this concept a bit but this could be my first game play on my gaming channel: Jim on game. I might keep a set up like this if it works for me.

On my way back from the Doctors office tomorrow, I'm going down the block to Audrey's, get my book and head home. I might buy another iTunes card for a few more apps I need while I have the funds. Then its home to watch the Oilers/Winnipeg game. Anyway, that's about all for now. 

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