Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Yesterday Anne and I headed out

to the West end memory express store to see if we could get diagnostic work done on my computer and what is causing the computer to go blue screen. Sunday night we had the computer tower packed up and ready to go and it occurred to me what if the blue screen is specific to the disk and not the Bios? I could get into the Bios so that right there should have told me that I didn't want to put the backup m.2 disk in where the current disk is in case the issue was the Bios and infected my backup disk. We didn't know this at the time. I brought the backup disk with me, just in case. Sure enough at the shop, after the current disk was removed I asked to put the backup disk in and start the computer. Sure enough, it came on. No blue screen. We saved hundreds of $ doing diagnostic work. I asked the guy if the store had any 2Tb Samsung 970 EVO Plus drives. Yes. Price is $200. I bought one. 

So this was the culprit all along: 

The guy in the back said it was these exposed contact points (blue arrow) causing the issue. The tech guy had put the disk in the store's scanner and the scanner began to smoke. 

Anyway, we paid for our purchase and went over to the iHop on 170th not far away, and had a nice brunch and home. 

We ended up having a great day for a Monday. Anyway, that's all for now.

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