Monday, October 14, 2024

Yesterday I uploaded a new video

to my Jim Shannon on Sounds channel. I have several views and several likes and comments. I'll link the video here.

Thanksgiving 2024 is here. I have much to be thankful for: My wife, my home, my lodge, my music, my job (when I have work) Life is good. The Elks are bettere than they were last year. The Oilers are meh. Other then needing to get back to work, life is good. I have no complaints. 

This week Tuesday Anne and I want to head out for a bite to eat. Something keeps getting it delayed. Wednesday, I'm at FCC and that will be my week. Happy Thanksgiving weekend everyone. Anyway, that's all for now.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

I had 8 months

off work and the $ supply is dropping faster then the Titanic. Normally about this time, we'd be starting our regular Thanksgiving week project. The annual ongoing project doesn't have a Thanksgiving theme as I can't say what it is. I'm hoping after the long weekend, we get conformation we can start again. 

Today I'm working on my new video in A.U.M as Loopmix will be supporting the "star" of the show "Woodverberator." It's new reverb app that can add new dynamics to the Loopmix environment. Should be a good one.

Also today is Elks/Calgary, @ 2pm. After that Chicago Black hawks is in town to play against the Oilers. Wtch the Oilers lose again. Anyway, that's all for now. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Apparently these Elgato products

are not available at the store level. They are online only. So much for that idea. I'll be heading out to Northgate after lodge Saturday and I'll drop by London Drugs just to verify this. I need a 128Gb SD card anyway. All is not lost because they might have a key light I can pick up or the Elgato webcam mk2. We'll see. The other option if I can't get anything at London Drugs, I might just buy the cell phone. From the Telus store. I have options.

After that, its over to Healthcare solutions. I want to pick up a pair of “Edema shoes” and to check when I can get my next pair of compression stockings. Or at least order a pair. I know they have the shoes.

Anne and I never did get out yesterday but we're aiming for Thursday. Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Looks like the

Elgato Streamdeck neo and webcam neo are in my forecast for this week. I can get both for $260 and get the key light neo from my savings. I'm looking at after lodge Saturday.

Part of the reason why I never watched Monday night Raw on a regular basis over the last 10-12 years was that it was such a long program. Smackdown made more sense to me. Why is WWE showing the main event at 8pm, with an hour left  in the show? Then when the main event was over. What is all this 2 person panel crap? Get back to the show already. Wait now, Raw back to its 2 hour format? I found this on Google:  WWE has announced it is shortening its flagship Raw programe from three hours to two hours after 12 years. The change will come into force from 7 October until the show moves from the USA Network channel to Netflix in January 2025 Happy days.

If everything works out ok Anne and I are planning on going out for our monthly outing tomorrow at a place downtown. That's going to be nice to get out. Wednesday I have that gig at FCC. Saturday it's off to Lodge. After that over to London Drugs. Anyway, that's all for now.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

On my way out of

lodge Thursday night Chris and Hakim were talking about Martinisim. I'm unaware as to what Martinisim is. On the way home Hakim explained it's like Christian mysticism. I can get into that. I did a bit of research on Martinisim, which was founded by Martinez de Pasqually. Martinisim seems to have 2 components to it: The EGC (Which I am very familiar with) and a Rosicrucian coponent, which I am somewhat aware of. This is something in which I'd like to explore and learn more about Martinisim.

At 5pm The Saskatchewan Rough Riders (Riders) are coming to Commonwealth Stadium. I heard that Coach Jackson plans on starting with QB MBT. Including today, the Elks will have 3 games left in the regular season. Anyway, that's all for now.

Friday, October 4, 2024

It was nice

to see old friends returning to lodge last night. I had a great time. next out will be Tuesday with Anne. This photo is of me from the last Thursday of last month. My gimped up back makes the suit look like it's too large for me. My Royal Arch sash is bent like me 🤣

The Riders are are coming to Commonwealth stadium Saturday for a CFL 5pm game. As long asa we start with QB McLoud Bethal Thompson, we got this. Anyway, that's all fo r now 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

3 days into

 October and my first blog post for the month. I must be slipping. I'll be posting more as well. 

Tonight is lodge night. Should be an easy night. No balloting nothing. Could be home by 10pm.

After that, my weekend is more or less free. I'll be setting up the green screen Friday. Anyway, that's all for now.