Thursday, June 13, 2024

Its game 3

 Florida Panthers/Edmonton Oilers, for 2 games. if we lose game 3 (historically) its almost impossible to come back from. This has been the first time in 18 years that  the Oilers have been to the finale. In the Oilers history (44 years) they have had 26 playoff appearences. Just a little over 50% of their existance. Game #4 is here and if we fail to win tonight, we'll be able to see the Stanley Cup trophy hoisted Friday. Not by the Oilers though.

We're getting all of our documents together for senior housing. It seems the most difficult part of this adventure will be our pet guardian to sign agreeing to be pet guardian. This is the hard part. We have a friend co-worker who agreed to be our pet guardian for our 2 cats. This needs to be done before the end of the month. Not sure what happenes if we dont have a designated pet guardian (in case of an emergency). If our desgnated pet guardian doesn't follow throughand doesn't inform me about that decision before the end of the month, then that person can't be trusted. At least tell me you can't handle being a pet guardian in case of emergency. If not aand she just leaves me hanging, is bad form. That's trust breaks down. She should be adult enough to tell me either way.

This weekend I have my breakfast mens bible gathering. It doesn't mean I'm a Christian or a Bible thumper. We have a small gathering of guys. Anne gets my breakfast from across the street at Tims. It's only for an hour and a half or so. Anyway, that's all for now.

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