Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I went and bought off

Amazon (last night) a cheap video capture card for my Switch so I can free up the Camlink for my camera. I also bought some new headphones. The complete order is about $75. Should be here Saturday. 

Over the past few days I've been anxious about receiving some Provinvial letters of Senior benefit entitlement. For Anne & myself from last year. There was a 30 day due date before our file would be canclled for senior housing. In an email to the lady in charge she replied back saying that everything is ok. We're eligible. "Get them back when they come in." That's a big weight off my shoulders. We need a 2 bedroom and that's what we'd take. Nothing else unless things change here that makes living here unsustainable.

Tomorrow night I'm going to my Royal Arch Chapter BBQ. Capital City #13. I paid via eTransfer. I'll stay for desert and a couple of Gingerale. I need some information along the way. Anyway, time for bed. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sure enough

Florida Panthers won but it was a clean game. 2-1 Panthers. No controversery. McDavid won the MVP. I'm ok with the loss. I'm proud of the Edmonton Oilers. Maybe next year.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Its game day today

as the Oilers are at Sunrise arena in Florida. I'm pretty sure the Panthers are going to take control of the game and with a bit of luck and our reaction. I see a Panther victory tonight. Canadian teams just can't catch a break in the final. I don't mean to whine but it's been 31 years since a Canadian team won the cup. All I know is the Oilers are going to lose tonight. What's worse is this is the best team since 2006 to win it. We'll see how it goes. Anyway, that's all for now.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Last night the Oilers

forced a game 7 for Monday. Game 7's are always stacked against Canadian teams in the finale. I think we all know how this is going to end. 

It's only $9 but I bought off of Amazon a charging adapter for my old Nintendo 3 DS XL. I'm looking for a way to mod it for screen recording but there doesn't seem to be a sollution for this before the New 3DS after my eddition. 

Today, I'm out for BoB. Lets see how that goes if not over to healthcare sollutions. I'll catch the #104 to Coliseum and the Northgate bus there, go through the mall to my destination. And have some lunch. Lets see how that goes. Anyway, that's all for now.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Tonight its game #6

Florida Panthers/Edmonton Oilers. Can the Oilers force a game 7? We'll find out tonight. If they don't, they had a heck of a year. Lets go Oiles!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Its game 3

 Florida Panthers/Edmonton Oilers, for 2 games. if we lose game 3 (historically) its almost impossible to come back from. This has been the first time in 18 years that  the Oilers have been to the finale. In the Oilers history (44 years) they have had 26 playoff appearences. Just a little over 50% of their existance. Game #4 is here and if we fail to win tonight, we'll be able to see the Stanley Cup trophy hoisted Friday. Not by the Oilers though.

We're getting all of our documents together for senior housing. It seems the most difficult part of this adventure will be our pet guardian to sign agreeing to be pet guardian. This is the hard part. We have a friend co-worker who agreed to be our pet guardian for our 2 cats. This needs to be done before the end of the month. Not sure what happenes if we dont have a designated pet guardian (in case of an emergency). If our desgnated pet guardian doesn't follow throughand doesn't inform me about that decision before the end of the month, then that person can't be trusted. At least tell me you can't handle being a pet guardian in case of emergency. If not aand she just leaves me hanging, is bad form. That's trust breaks down. She should be adult enough to tell me either way.

This weekend I have my breakfast mens bible gathering. It doesn't mean I'm a Christian or a Bible thumper. We have a small gathering of guys. Anne gets my breakfast from across the street at Tims. It's only for an hour and a half or so. Anyway, that's all for now.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Friday we had

the window installers here from about 1:30-3:30pm. They were from Ukraine as they spoke zero English. There were 3 of them. They worked fast and did a great job. 

Today I have a form to fill out a couple of forms for senior housing and get that off to them. We're waiting for these pension letters of entitlement, and our notice of assesment for last year. Our housing of choice is a 2 bedroom apartment with balcony, then 2 bedroom, then a 1 bedroom with balcony and one bedroom, anywhere in the city.

Last nights Oilers/Panthers game wasn't what I quite imagined. I has a strong feeling we'd split at least one of those games at the Sunrise arena. We ran into a hot goaltender and lost 3-0. We had at least 8 odd man rushes but didn't capitalize on any of them.  We play next on Monday. Anyway, that's all for now.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

My outing to Wetaskiwin

lodge Saturda was interesting. It took us an hour there and an hour back. First time at a country lodge. Never again. Nothing againt Wetaskiwn. I neded up getting sick when I got home. The Philipeno degree team was excellent. The food and lack of sleep is what caused me to get dehidrated and ill for 2 days

I had some kind of bug going on over the weekend after my outing. Took me out all Saturday night and Sunday. We're back on the mend now. Anyway, that's all for now.