Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I walked up to Belmont dental yesterday

for my 3pm. I got a filling, and impression for my upper denture. There was enough left in the insurance for that at least. The impression was the rough part. At first I felt like I was going to gag. The denture is (at this time) at the lab to be picked up at 9:45am tomorrow. I should be out of there by 11am for the walk home.

In all my married life, I have never been obsessed with anybody. As for putting YOU in a bad spot, its not like YOU didn't have a choice. YOU could have called for your ride to pick YOU up. Yes I lied to keep my friendship and marriage at the same time. I was not trying to hurt anyone. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. After the 3rd lunch "I never thought you would be interested in another woman." I wasn't. Talk about coming between a marriage. Real friends work out differences and challenges with each other. Real friends don't run away when the going gets tough. Real friends are in it for the long haul. So when things got rough YOU ran, leaving me with lose ends and more questions then answers. We've known each other for over 25 years and now YOU run away like a sniveling child. How "mature" of YOU.

Odds n' ends: What with all that walking yesterday there and back to the dental office, I did 9034/10000 step challenge. Which worked out to be just over 6.8K. That's been twice this year I reached that step milestone since I've been doing this, late 2019. In the Spring, I'm going to try and do that every day. Walk up to Belmont, get my morning coffee walk back. If I can do that every morning, that will never hurt me. I'm back at it tonight with work. My work schedule is tonight, Wed, Thur, Friday. Five hours each. I'll have my laptop open and set up for 4pm this afternoon. Anne and I are both working from home Thurs and Friday. Anyway, that's all for now.

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