Thursday, January 2, 2020

Hello there 2020

and how are you today? I hope your going to be easier on me then your brother 2019 last year. What a disaster that was. There were few highlights and I need to realize with the good comes the bad. So here is a look back at what was 2019.  

Yes its a brand new year. Hard to believe I made it this far. I had a rough year last year, what with trying to cope with a friend that ran out on me. Last January, my wife and I went gambling at a local Casino. February: I attended "Band of Brothers." Its a men's bible study/breakfast every other Saturday at Freedom Centre church just down the block. I look forward to that every Saturday. March was my wife's birthday and hardly working at all. April I began going outside to get some exercise in around the block out here by Sifton school 3 times a week still trying to cope what happened and why my friend Mary just up and left me. May: I received GIS back pay plus I got an allowance of anything that's greater then rent. I rode a bike for the first time in like over 50 years and fell off it. I almost got the Nintendo Switch but I couldn't afford to keep it (just before my allowance) Bits and pieces of work here and there. Met Pastor Ian in an impromptu counselling session at Tim Horton's. June: Continued my walking. July, explored dental work at Belmont dental. August: I got my own Visa card, September: I got the iPod Touch 7th Gen. Tooth extractions. October: I lost the iPod after work on a Saturday. November: More work but slow. Got my upper denture. December: Staff Christmas party, I bought Komplete 12 Ultimate music software, my first Amazon order, we lost our cat Rusty as he died in his sleep Friday the 13th. Its been quite a year. I'm almost over losing Mary. I was never obsessed over Mary, when I invited her back into my life. I was over 25 years ago but people change. Why would I risk losing 18 years of marriage over a woman I hardly knew and there was gap of about 20 years in there where Mary was just an asterisk in my life. Why risk losing my marriage over something like that? As for putting her in a bad spot? Mary was complicit with me in everything. I lied to her yes because she wouldn't take the hint that going out for lunch once a month was compromising my marriage. I wanted to end the going out and chatting part of our friendship in August 2018 5 months into renewing our friendship. Mary would not take the hint. I had to take drastic action and even then, she still would not take the hint. She finally did when I sent to her roommate married couple living with her a private text. I wanted to partially end our friendship as well, However, not at the risk of still being on friendly terms, like calling each other on the phone after the going out part and chat part was over. And by calling each other on the phone would be once every couple of weeks, type thing. Best times for Mary to call when I' m not working is Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays after 3pm, when I have more privacy. And that's for any of my friends not just Mary.

Ok, enough of that. So that was 2019. I'm glad its over. I'm excited for 2020. I'm continuing with my "walking program." More videos to my Jim Shannon on Sounds You Tube channel, attending band of brothers, exploring SAGE and getting to know more seniors and people my own age. As for this week, I've got lodge tonight. I'm hoping to get a call from the office today or tomorrow that we have some work coming up. I've got some banking to do Friday, Saturday, I'm home working on a "Jammuary" upload to my channel, watch some hockey. Just hobbies around the apartment. Anyway, that's all for now.

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