Thursday, September 12, 2024

It gets dark around here

about 8pm these days. Right now we're sitting at +10. Nice weather for taking a little walk. If I could walk that far. I'm lucky I can walk (with a cane) to the rental office. I think I might have to bring my walker to FCC next week while there is still lack of snow on the ground.

 My green screen is still in its box from labour day Monday. Why? Mainly because Anne wan'ts to clear room in the closet here to make room for it when not in use. Plus there are 2 pieces of software I want to use with this: Duet Air, and Speakflow. Duet Air helps to make eye contact with the viewer. Speakflow makes my script invisible to the viewer as I read it on screen. 

My plan for Saturday is still "Ye old Craft" lodge. I'd like to ask when I'm there if I affiliate, can I join a lodge of perfection as an affiliate member? I think I know what my answer is. The lodge of perfection etc is an expansion of Canadian right craft lodge and these "degrees" are mainly weekend lectures at Freemason Hall. I want to leave my options open in case after Prove up in February I get an AMD invite. Anyway, that's all for now

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