Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Miyoo mini

handheld game console was priced at $91 and comes preloaded with 5,000 games. These are not moern High end games but they are not 8 bit games either. The Miyoo mini plus can output to the tv. Free shipping. Should be here by Friday. Unless they are out of stock. In which case they usually give me something else. 

Lately I'm getting a bit of arthritis in right knee, cauaing it to be stiff. I'm not going to stress out over this. My knee is just a bit stiff. 

I'm hoping Anne and I can go through some of my boxes in the closet, Ihave a lot of books I'm never going to take with me. For some reason I had it in my mind to have a library. Holy not thiking 15 years ahead.

This afternoon, Anne and I are going out to Rickies downtown for a little outing. We usually go once a month regardless. Anyway, that's all for now.

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