Monday, September 9, 2024

Not much going on this week

as our heat wave is more or less over. I don't do well in We're back in the low 20s and even high teens. Still pretty dry out there. 

This Saturday morning I'd like to head out to Highlands Hall. At Highlands there is a Canadian Rite lodge I'd like to visit while the weather is good. This would be my first time at "Ye old Craft" lodge. I'd be up at 7am dress and gather stuff to be outside for the first Saturday bus @ ~ 8:15am. It's one bus ride there and back and they tyle at 9am. Feative board could be brunch. If I knew about this lodge back in 2002, I'd have attended it instead because I could get there and back on my own without asking for a ride home because the bus service stops at 9:30pm. 

Today I have my favorite You Tube live stream on at 2:20pm. "Rise of Dark Leela." After that stream, Jade Starr has a good show once in awhile as well to check out. After that, lunch about 5pm. Then in and out of Monday night Raw for the rest of the night. Anyway, that's all for now.

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