Tuesday, June 4, 2019

On our way out of here

by 2:30pm to our RBC up the street, then its off to Olive Garden Southside. Well that's the plan apparently. Things could change. 

Saturday after my morning breakfast prayer group unless things change, I'm off across the street to open a TD bank account for pay pal that sort of thing. But that could change depending if somebody wants to go out for coffee or something like that. Then its to Staples to get some fine tipped markers and a usb memory card reader and some Wendy's. Then I'm going for my walk up and down 134th street a couple times (along with what I did earlier) I'll get my 2 miles in. Later that afternoon I'm going downtown to Rexal drugs to get a Canada post Visa gift card. I want to try and see if I can use it with a software company and order a small product for about that amount. That way when I want to get the full product, I'll know I can use that kind of a Visa again. I did it once before. It should work. The other thing I want to get is the Cubase 10 Pro update. Not sure about this however.

Since people have to take a 2nd look when I tell them I'm 66 they don't believe me. I have no wrinkles on my face or turkey neck. So I may as well take advantage of that and get some grey out hair product. I don't want to look ridiculous and go completely dark. I'll be getting this after lodge Thursday night. Anyway, that's about all for now.

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