Friday, May 8, 2020

I'm enjoying my time off

And I'm going out for a walk just about every day. Yesterday I was in a group Zoom meeting, which was not only educational but it also gave me a chance to catch up with all my lodge colleagues. Everyone seems to be doing well. For the most part, I'm paying off bills and hunkering down.

Wednesday the toilet bowl began to overflow as Anne was struggling to keep up with baling. She yelled for help. I took over duties while she went down to the caretaker and came back and (of course me not being a plumber) managed to fix the overflow for a bit. Caretakers sent the plumber over with an auger. It didn't help matters that we have the
original toilet from 1977. The plumber said the pipes were clogged up buildup deposits over the years. Yeesh what a mess.

Over the last few days we've been observing our Robin friend, that has made a nest in one of our hanging plant planters. I take a couple of looks once in awhile to make sure there are no preditors disturbing the nest. Speaking of mom's and nests (in case I don't get to this blog until Monday), I'd like to wish all mothers a happy mothers day, even if your just a pet mom. "Happy mothers day."

I'm keeping busy over Skype chatting with my friend/colleague from work, usually every night after midnight for a few hours. Frances and I have known each other since about the time Anne and I got married. It was Frances that introduced us to each other. This the 3rd blonde friend I've had in my life. The previous 2 betrayed me. Do good things come in threes? I don't know

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