Thursday, September 17, 2020

We're having a nice late September

 weather-wise. Due to the BLM Antifa arsonists setting fires South of the boarder we're supposed to get a bit of a hazy late afternoon.

Yesterday, on my way to my 3pm dental appointment ~ 1.5k up the street, and on my way, I popped into Eb games to see if they had any Nintendo Switch consoles. They did. So I bought that and a used game and continued on my way. I got 1 of 4 teeth done. The other teeth are smaller jobs. All along the way, my step counter was working. It was a beautiful warm September afternoon. I walked back and got a haircut from across the street. My mouth was still swollen up to about 7pm. 

Tonight its game 6 of the New York Islander/Tampa Bay Lightning NHL Eastern Conference playoff game. If the Islanders can win this game, they force a game #7, here in Edmonton. So, I'll have that on my agenda tonight and connect my game console. Also, I ended up with 8100 steps on the day, which is a personal best since I've been keeping records. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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