Thursday, January 17, 2019

I'm off work tonight for a

scheduled shift off. I have a meeting later today at 7pm. Its personal but I'm back at the job tomorrow. I could have 2 weeks off with a shift here and there but we'll see.

I Isn't this interesting: I didn't know that its illegal to show emails and chats to a 3rd party without ones consent is against the Law. I kept on getting reminded in a recent chat about deception/betrayal of trust. But I never did betrayed a trust except once as the chat was happening to a 3rd party involved. Everyone has dirt on their hands here, including me. 

I can see dropping somebody because of medical issues, friends needing space, that sort of thing. Its not like anyone is committing fraud. 😎 I was always taught in marriage and life in general if you made a mistake you forgive, reconcile, don't let it happen again. Its part of the learning process. Its not life and death or risk losing a friendship over, or block anyone on Facebook. Society teaches us that 2 wrongs don't make a right. If the friendship/relationship is important enough then, its forgive, reconcile, don't let it happen again.

With the Oilers win last night, they are back in the hunt for that last playoff spot. There's lots of hockey left, except coming up there is a bye week and then there's the All Star break. It's been an interesting 5 weeks. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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