Sunday, March 10, 2019

Despite everything that's

been going on in my life recently with my job and my friendship with a certain someone, things are not that bad. I'm happy and content. Some people (you know who you are) need to realize that I am not obsessed or in love with (name) or anyone other then my wife. I'll never abandon my friends or through anyone under a bus. If I receive a text suggesting from one of my friends that is stressed out, I'll talk with them first. I'll always ask permission to share and discuss chat text's first. I'll never just walk away from someone without trying to work on a solution. Perhaps one such solution is space. It doesn't need to be permanent. Needing space can be 3-6 months or even a year, but at least let me know. If you have my phone # call me. I did not walk away from you. Facebook/messenger  has been deleted off of all devices except my iPod and I changed my PW. I even changed my passcode number on my iPod as well and I log out of each Facebook session. I'm even considering parental controls next 😃My marriage is very important to me. So are my friendships either female or male. The above is a message for a certain someone. Maybe this individual will read this, maybe not.

This is some crazy weather we're getting. March is always cold around here. We got a good 2+ inches of snow the other day. Not that -13* is cold, its just the -19* wind chill under sunny skies. Temps are supposed to warm up to a balmy -3* latter today but there's always that wind chill. Sometime this week, we're climbing into the low single + side of things. So for example a +2 will have a wind chill of -6. Something like that. And when its overcast, that means snow.

Ok, onward. I woke up earlier then usual this morning about 9am having enough sleep. I needed to write in my journal. I'm not sure what's going on with my job or even if I have one. My spies tell me there was training at the beginning of the month and I had a shift last Thursday but that fell through. I'll be finding more info about this tomorrow. Other then that I've got 4 phone calls to make tomorrow. Pick up some tax forms, call ei, make a Doctors appointment for blood work, that sort of thing. As for today, WWE's Fastlane kick off show is at 5pm and we'll have our brunch at that time. Other then watching the Oilers burn up the last 14 games in their dismal season, and lodge Saturday, that's about it unless I get called back to work for training. Thank God for You Tube video's. Anyway,  that's about all from me today.  

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