Wednesday, December 11, 2019

When I called Long & McQuade Monday

about the Komplete 12 Ultimate I ordered (on its way) They said they could hold it in the store for me for up to 6 months. Hopefully I'll have it paid off ($320) within the next 6 days and I exchanged the Sony HX80 for a refund yesterday. There were just too many problems with the camera. I'm going to call ahead but I should have got at Long & McQuade, the Zoom Q2n 4k camera at ~ $100 cheaper then then the Sony. The fact that the Zoom can shoot in 4k is a deal breaker for me. I hope to be getting this after the weekend. What I also like about the Zoom, is that it has a metal tripod holder instead of the plastic one the Sony had.

Its a typical cold winter Edmonton day at -13 but it feels like -21 and snowing. Anne went out earlier to get us an A&W combo burger about 3 hours ago. She suggested because Tim's is right next door to where she works, she could get me a Tim's breakfast combo on a Friday night and bring it home, store it in the fridge so I can have it for breakfast Saturday morning when I'm not at Band of Brothers. I can handle that. It also saves Anne some time because getting to work on a Saturday is problematic for her. 

In the meantime I have over 3 weeks off, where I can play with Komplete 12 Ultimate and my new "real camera." Sweet. Also, Sunday on the 15th, there is WWE's "TLC" Tables, ladders and chairs match. Plus, I'm taking Anne out to Olive garden next week. I should get my "pension allowance" as well. I have enough left on my dental insurance for 4 fillings in the new year. I was considering the Nintendo Switch, but I have lodge dues to take care of in February and hopefully with work and any income tax return, I can get the lower partials.  Anyway, that's all for now.   

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