Thursday, August 29, 2024

It's back to school

for local kids meaning the afternoons are quiet.

I ordered my Elgato green screen the other day. While I don't have Elgato key lights I hope the key lights I have here are enough tolight the screen for a good chroma key.

I think when work resumes, I'll do 100 hours between start to year end and work normally for 200 hours in January to help pay off Cryptic and get my bank account up to par. Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, August 26, 2024

I got nothing going on this week

and that's just how I like it. Slow and easy. I might put an amazon order in for a blue tooth headphone in an atempt to reduce desk clutter but I don't like spending money of I don't need to..

Yesterday's Elks/Montreal Alouettes (Al's) game started out good. We managed 17 points on the board. MBT's completeion rate was excellent. By half time, it was 17-6 Elks. Commentary at half time were confident that the Al's (retro jersy nite for the) would figure out what to do to get back in the game. Once the Al's "hit the field" in the 3rd Q it was all Al's. We missed a crittical field goal atempt earlier. With 1:24 remaining in the game we reached the Montreal 12-yard line but only advanced six yards as the Alouettes defence forced a turnover on downs. Al's D was just to much. Our field goal attempts haven't been very good all season. Al's didn't beat us by much though: 17/21. Our QB McLeod Bethel-Thompson played well. Up next is the Labour Day classic in Calgary. We always lose that one.

I had a good sleep over night with ~ 5 hours of sleep. My step counters were 2,846 and that's a good way to start the week. As for me, not much is going on. Anyway, that's all for now.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

I had a quiet but nice birthday

yesterday. I still find it hard to believe that I'm 72 years old. 

I was kind of hoping that I could connect to my Telus wifi on the cell phone Patrick gifted me last February. I cracked open the case found and removed the Sim card. Sometime today I'm going to call Telus and ask why I can't connect to the internet without a sim card when Google said I could

Thursday, Friday my days are open. Saturday I'm out for our anual lodge bbq. Location is sw Edmonton in the Uplands. I had chapter bbq a few months ago. Danny puts on a good spread.

Speaking of Chapter, I hope to have my fee at Chapter for Cryotic Rite. Anyway, that's all for now.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Yesterday I receivd a

very nice unexpected monetary birthday gift from my sister.

Anne had a change of plan yesterday as she suggested we take her iPad out as origionally intended to the repair shop in the Glengarry area. From thee take the #106 tansfer onto the #54 at Northgate to the West end iHop. Great idea. We were home by 6:45pm. It was warm but not unbearable.

Anne decided to order us a Royal (birthday) Pizza and I discovered a Happy 72 b-day bagon on my office chair. Anne was there as I opned it and it contained a much needed pair of fleece, an Amazon and Tim Horton's gift card and some much needed 3 ply shaving razors. Gifts don't always need to pricy or large.

All that and I had a very nice sleep over night and my goa of steps met for the day, and climbing for the evening. Good day today.

Monday, August 19, 2024

The Fringe is currently under way

wrapping up on the 24th. After that, we should be just about done with Edmonton's summer festivals.

I have 2 outings this week. Anne is taking me out Wednesday for my birthday for dinner an ad Saturday I'm getting a ride out to the South West of the City for our Lodge annual Summer BBQ from 1pm-5pm. As if that's not enough it's the CFL EE in Montreal at 5pm. Hopefully, I'll be back before the end of the first Quarter. Lets go Edmonton. 

Other then getting my 2,200 steps before bed, I'm not doing much. I'm doing some writing as well, putting together some Flash fiction stories. Anyway, that's all for now. 

Friday, August 16, 2024

We've had a few warm days here

 and it rained about an hour ago. Looks like we're going to have a nice weekend. 

So the new Edmonton CFL Elks owner Larry Thompson gave a pressor at Commonwealth the other day. He hinted at doing things that will bring in the fans. Maybe like what the Riverhawks did this summer. The main thing fans want to hear is to change the name back to Eskimos. I agree. I don't hate the Elk brand but I'd rather have the Eskimos back.

Next week I'll be 72 years old and Anne wants to take me out to the place where she hd her iPad glass repaird because she had another incident yesterday with her iPad, which I wont get into. After that she want's to take me to the West end iHope for a birthday dinner since we're out that way anyway.

On this day in 1877, Hello for a phone greeting to the Telegraph Co. as an alternative to Alexander Graham-Bell's "Ahoy." Anyway, that's all for now.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

We're having a couple of hot

days yesterday and today. +28° is way to hot for me. Even now I have the fan blowing air over my shoulder to help cool me down.

The 43rd annual Fringe festival takes place on Thursday. I remember the first "Fringe" back in 1981. I was 28 years old living off of 80th Ave/107th street. The Fringe takes place just a few blocks away. To this very day, I've never been to the Fringe. 

I'm taking a step break for this morning. Anne has part of my parth in the bedroom blcoed off as it is. Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, August 12, 2024

The Amazon green screen drama

continues. Note to self, never add anything to my shopping cart until the day I actually buy. Anne bought me (using my Visa) a green screen that was in my Amazon shopping cart. It came with the green screen cloth. I read some reviews and the overall assesment was the product had a cheap feel. The green screen cloth that it came with was machine folded and packaged, meaning rinkles galore. These would need to be ironed out. I told Anne we would need better green screen fabric bought locally where it comes not packaged. No cresing. So I asked her to cancel this green screen frame etc for me because we would need to by fabric locally. She cancelled the item. Pending, my Visa card will be credited, hopefully by the end of this week. 

Amazon brought my green screen package in about 6:45pm but I explained why we don't need it so reluctantly the driver returned it. Anne said no more Amazon orders until my return credit comes in. That will be the Elgato green screen. The non Xl one because it's shorter.

Elks finally won one at home agsinst BC Lions 33-16. However it was at a cost. Tre Ford got injured early in the 2nd Q with an apparent rib injury. The 26-year-old Canadian pivot completed all six of his pass attempts and threw for 96 yards as Edmonton led 16-10 at the time of his injury. How long he will be out for, we have no idea. McLoud Bethel-Thompson was brought in as relief and out of 18 completions connected with 14 of them for the win. Elks nxt game will be in Hamilton on Saturday. Looking forward to that one. Anyway, that's all for now.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Yesterday was an

aniversary of sorts for me. It was on that Day August 9th 1988, while working at Cobogo warehouse I'm coming back from Joe's cafe in the boardwalk basement. Bob Kennedy was listening to the radio by the recieving back door. He set up a little receiving desk for himself. It was a Tuesday afternoon when he told me that Wayne Gretzkyof the Edmonton Oilers was traded to LA. Kings. I was devestated. I recall that it was July 16th he got married to Janet Jones a few weeks before this. I was heartbroken. There goes our lst Stanley cup win. I was 35 years old, living #305 9710 156th street here in Edmonton.

My camera remote came in yesterday about 4:30pm. Because I was able to get the tripod remote bluetooth feature working on the camera paired to the tripod's record function, I didn't need the camera remote. I gave it back to the driver asking him if he coud return it to the Amazon plant in Leduc on his way back to credit my acount. That was all sorted out. I should receive my credit between now and the end of next week. Anyway, that's all for now.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

When I bought my Sony camera

and tripod initially back in October 2021, the Blue Tooth camera recording button on the tripod worked flawlessly. For some reason it wasn't working when I bought my teleprompter. The telepromter has no electrical components or moving parts. I knew there were 3rd party remote bluetooth controllers for Sony cameras. I ordered one for ~ C $70.  In between that time, I found a video that showed how to activate the tripod blue tooth. Thaanks to that video, my recording function works on my Sony tripod. Now I'm returning the remote controller, and at the end of the month (or sooner) for the same price, getting 2 soft box kits.

On this date, yesterday in 1974, the French stuntman Philippe Petit walked across a tightrope strung between the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

Anne said she will put together a diy green screen for me. Ok. Lets see how that turns out. I can still get 2 can lights for ~ $20, I just ordered some 7x5' material for 20. I have a C stand I bought some years ago from Long & McQuade. After this all I just need is an Elgato stream deck.. Easy peasy. Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Not a lot going on

as we're into the "Dog days of Summer." I spent half of my savings from March, which is ~ $100/month. I knew the $1,100 I started from wasn't going to last until I get back to work end of September. $345 of this is going towards Cryptic for October. I'm not going to advance to Temple. I hope to have

At least the weather is trending more favorably around here. I think our high was ~ +18° today, when Anne and I went to the rental office. They tried to pull a fast one to get an extra $30 for pet rent which we already paid. Pet friendly. $250 deposit for cat and $30/month for cats. Outrageous. My pension pays forrent Anne's pension pays for groceries and utilities.

I have one more Amazon order arriving Friday: The micro hdmi<>HDMI cable and a remote for my Sony camera. Anyway, that's all for now. 

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Over the past year my

ymphedema has been trending negatively in my left footfoot $ leg. Compression stockings are helpfull. I'm greatfull for the AADL support as I can get a pair of 30-40 compression ratio stockings. Every 4 months for 3 times a year.  

When football fans fail to show up at Elks CFL Home football games, it hurts local charities. Last weekends game when the Hamilton Tiger Cat's showed up the score was something like 34-8 for the Visitors. That was when the 3rd Quarter was underway. Enter Tre Ford as he scored 3 TD's in in 10 minutes for a "respectable" 44-28. Today Elks are in Regina. will it be 1-8 or 0-8 for the visitors? Game is 5pm today. If Elks can win in a hostile place like Mosiac Stadium, and return home to Commmonwealth, maybe the fans will slowly return.

Edmonton Heritage Festival is happening this
weekend - August 3rd to 5th. Located near
Borden Park and there are no fees to enter/
watch cultural dances or music shows. It also
features various food from different cultures. To
learn more check out the website.

My teleprompter order has been shipped arriving today. It's not even out for delivery. The track package said by 10 pm.😀 Anyway, that's all for now.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

I'm tired of all these outings.

ow Anne wants to drag me out to the Apple store (Southgate) this afternoon. It's a long LRT ride. We should be back by 6pm at the latest. Uggh. 

Well it's new to me. Telus now has this easy login to the my Telus account. Have them send to my login email a My login. It's just a couple of clicks and I'm in my account. Nice😀

Saturday its the Elks/Regina. Next week I've got nowhere to go (I hope) I'll have my teleprompter here Saturday. Looking forward to that. Anyway, that's all for now.