Monday, August 12, 2024

The Amazon green screen drama

continues. Note to self, never add anything to my shopping cart until the day I actually buy. Anne bought me (using my Visa) a green screen that was in my Amazon shopping cart. It came with the green screen cloth. I read some reviews and the overall assesment was the product had a cheap feel. The green screen cloth that it came with was machine folded and packaged, meaning rinkles galore. These would need to be ironed out. I told Anne we would need better green screen fabric bought locally where it comes not packaged. No cresing. So I asked her to cancel this green screen frame etc for me because we would need to by fabric locally. She cancelled the item. Pending, my Visa card will be credited, hopefully by the end of this week. 

Amazon brought my green screen package in about 6:45pm but I explained why we don't need it so reluctantly the driver returned it. Anne said no more Amazon orders until my return credit comes in. That will be the Elgato green screen. The non Xl one because it's shorter.

Elks finally won one at home agsinst BC Lions 33-16. However it was at a cost. Tre Ford got injured early in the 2nd Q with an apparent rib injury. The 26-year-old Canadian pivot completed all six of his pass attempts and threw for 96 yards as Edmonton led 16-10 at the time of his injury. How long he will be out for, we have no idea. McLoud Bethel-Thompson was brought in as relief and out of 18 completions connected with 14 of them for the win. Elks nxt game will be in Hamilton on Saturday. Looking forward to that one. Anyway, that's all for now.

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