Saturday, August 3, 2024

Over the past year my

ymphedema has been trending negatively in my left footfoot $ leg. Compression stockings are helpfull. I'm greatfull for the AADL support as I can get a pair of 30-40 compression ratio stockings. Every 4 months for 3 times a year.  

When football fans fail to show up at Elks CFL Home football games, it hurts local charities. Last weekends game when the Hamilton Tiger Cat's showed up the score was something like 34-8 for the Visitors. That was when the 3rd Quarter was underway. Enter Tre Ford as he scored 3 TD's in in 10 minutes for a "respectable" 44-28. Today Elks are in Regina. will it be 1-8 or 0-8 for the visitors? Game is 5pm today. If Elks can win in a hostile place like Mosiac Stadium, and return home to Commmonwealth, maybe the fans will slowly return.

Edmonton Heritage Festival is happening this
weekend - August 3rd to 5th. Located near
Borden Park and there are no fees to enter/
watch cultural dances or music shows. It also
features various food from different cultures. To
learn more check out the website.

My teleprompter order has been shipped arriving today. It's not even out for delivery. The track package said by 10 pm.😀 Anyway, that's all for now.

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