Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Yesterday I receivd a

very nice unexpected monetary birthday gift from my sister.

Anne had a change of plan yesterday as she suggested we take her iPad out as origionally intended to the repair shop in the Glengarry area. From thee take the #106 tansfer onto the #54 at Northgate to the West end iHop. Great idea. We were home by 6:45pm. It was warm but not unbearable.

Anne decided to order us a Royal (birthday) Pizza and I discovered a Happy 72 b-day bagon on my office chair. Anne was there as I opned it and it contained a much needed pair of fleece, an Amazon and Tim Horton's gift card and some much needed 3 ply shaving razors. Gifts don't always need to pricy or large.

All that and I had a very nice sleep over night and my goa of steps met for the day, and climbing for the evening. Good day today.

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