Monday, April 11, 2011

Having a decent Monday night

=The first day back from Spring break and the trains were packed. I think a lot of the extra traffic had to do with people giving up their cars because of the high price at the pumps with gas. There was a story on the news about drivers and driving habits. Seems people would rather give up on things like eating out at restaurants a bit or missing an extra Tim’s coffee in the morning then give up their cars. What with the upcoming Federal election the Liberals/NDP/Green want to put pressure on Alberta oilssands development to tax the crap out of them to help pay for their “election promises.” and you don’t think that’s not going to increase the price of gas? Better believe it will.

Early this morning Boots had jumped again. I keep telling Anne because she goes to bed about 4am and opens my office window boots is let out to early. If anything she should wait until I get up because Boots won’t go out wandering during daylight. It makes for a long day for him. There’s a utility shed just behind us here in this Edmonton housing complex he hides all day then comes back around 10pm.

I had a decent day sales wise getting at least 3 sales and more then 2/3rds of it on card, so I can’t complain. I had a good day today and I even got to read a little this afternoon from my Star Wars book “Vector Prime” in between calls. On my afternoon commute home I couldn’t believe how much the snow on the ground had melted. About 80% of it is gone. It’ll all evaporate by the end of the week.

Anyway, I’m going to post this, so that’s about all for now.

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