Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It was this date on a

Friday 37 years ago we had the infamouse Black Friday tornado here in Edmonton. I was in my mid 30s living at 9710 156th street working at the Army & Navy warehouse dowtown about 2 blocks.

where Rogers Place arena is today. The day was just like any other day. I recall how we got a lot of rain ~ 2pm. It was slow going work wise. One of the guys told me after returning from the cafeteria in the Boardwalk next door what was going on. It was our 3pm break. "Right now? Wow." When I left after work, it was nice outside. When I got home to pay August rent my Land Lord told me what was going on. My parents in Vancouver had called hering the news. I leaarned that weekend that 21 people passed away. Quite the ordeal.

Incidently, where the Belmont shopping centre currently is, was where the Belmont Drive in was located. It boasted one of the most well built movie screens of its day. The tornado ripped through that like the screen was cardboard. That's a day I'll never forget. Anyway, that's all for now.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Anne left to do a

bottle run and some shopping. She's going to return with a Maximus pizza for us later. The origional owner passed away just before Covid and changed the pizza recipe. Or the hamburger/susauge crumble peperoni pizza I liked. They added too much spice in the hamburger. We hadn't tried Maximus pizza since then. We're going to try it tonight. See if it's any better over time.

I had trouble sleeping overnight as the graphic above implies. My sugars we're dropping as well The above graphic is pretty accurate.

Last night I placed an Amazon order for my teleprompter. In that order I also ordered a 4 pack of USB C female to USB 3 male adapter. I made an error over the micro USB to HDMI and I thought I ordered the wrong cable for the USB 3, which is what I thought I needed. I canceled the order to change the order for the USB 3. I made a mistake as I needed the HDMI for the Action camera which is a Go pro "knock off." I should have stuck with the origional order. Talk about a blond moment. The star attraction of the order anyway is the teleprompter for my Sony camera. "Holy meltdown Batman." 😂 Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, July 29, 2024

The trouble with all of these

smart watch trackers is they never get it right 100% of the time All except in one category: Step counts. Track counts may vary but for the most part this category is mostly reliable. 

The town of Jasper wasn't completely destroyed. I read about 30%. Mostly residential but there was a church and I think the Petro Can gas station Some people said they won't be rebuilding Fire crews are still managing hot spots here and there. At least we're out of the heat have.

Looks like all went well at Fort Edmonton Park museum. As far as our lodge 3 day event took place. I had to cancel my portion of it. My CVI had got worse over the lst year and I don't think I could risk taking those stairs. Anyway, that's all for now.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

I'm going to get a cheep

 Teleprompter for ~ C $100. Instead of swaping my iPad for doing videos in OBS & screen record from the iPad, for ~ C $85 I can get a Amazon Fire HD 8 that I can use as a dedicated reader for scripts etc. I just need to get rid of the ads  on the tablet but there ar work arounds. 

I went to bed about 4am but managed a few hours sleep. I fgured I would stay up for awhile and then crawl back to bed about 11am for a few more hours.  About 8:30, I'm under thc covers but sleep was hard to get. So here's my Fit bit graphic:

I ended up with just over 5 hours within 2 sessions, it is what it is.

Today in Strangeness:
On this date in 1886, after years of planning, the trans-Atlantic cable was successfully laid and put into operation sending telegraphic communications across the ocean. Bugs Bunny made his big screen debut in the Warner Brothers cartoon, A Wild Hare (1940). The above taken from the Coast to Coast newsletter. Anway, that's all for now.

This is more like

it. The heat wave we had last week, lasted 7 days. The average daytime temperature was an average of +33° C. To hot for Jimmy.

Klondyke days are just about winding down. The last day is tomorrow. I can't recall when Anne and I went there. Probably about 2010. Never again. Too hot for me.

I was schedualed to vollunteer at Fort Edmonton Park for the Masonic lodge museum this weekend but I had to cancel out due to the worsening condition of my CVI. I can walk short distances but I can't take those stairs without risk of falling down. Anyway, that's all for now. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

I decided I'm going to get an Amazon fire tablet

to run my teleprompter scripts. I can save sapce on my iPad. 😀.

My big ticket items this year are Cryptic Rite, iPad pro 4th Gen M chip. I'm looking to save for the iPad. 512Gb. Plus with a trade in, it's doable. I wont be able to take my Royal Masters° anyway until Spring next year.  Anyway, time for bed. I'll be updating this through out the day. Anyway, time for bed. Nite all.

A massive forest fire

 destroyed between 30-50% of the town of ~ 4,590 residence. I have no idea how much of main street was destroyed. Jasper Masonic lodge is right on mian street. Jasper is on Crown land and the jurisdiction of the Federal Government.

On this date in 1965 a seminal event in rock and roll history took place when Bob Dylan "went electric" during his infamous performance at the Newport Folk Festival. A hero to the folk music community, Dylan's switch to electric guitar was seen as the ultimate act of betrayal by many in the audience, who booed the performance. Urban legend has it that event organizer Pete Seeger was so upset by the act that he threatened to cut the wires to the stage with an axe.  

I haven't been motivated to do very much due to the heat wave we've been having lately. I haven't even pulled out my green screen stored in our closet. Hopefully soon. I'm researching lighting for the green screen at the moment. A friend of mine has a massive green screen just made out of fabric held together by a cross beam and clamps from a kit. His lighting is no different then mine and I can adjust the Kelvin. Anyway, that's all for now. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Finally, we're getting a bit of rain out there at this hour

and at +17°C this has been one of the most coldest temeratures in quite awhile and I can't

complain about that.

I bought one of these green screens last February but from the reviews, the material is very thin. I'm going toassymble it and when not in use either leave it on the chair or store it as is behind my monitor against the wall. Not sure yet. Anyway, that's all for now.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Now Anne has an

appointment to haver her eyes dilated. I had mine done a few months ago. I was fine. We were out running around yesterday and now today @ 5pm we're having Telus calling Anne to get her security camera fixed once and for all, and the eye specialists are calling again about the same time. It never stops. Now they want (me) to accompany her to the specialist tomorrow. Or rebook. Because we have had my PCN thing yesterday, I'm going to suggest Anne rebook for next week that way, I wont mind going with her. And no cab home.

In the Spring I hope to take the first of my 3 Cryptic Rite degrees. Two will be in the Spring, the 3rd in September. Royal Ark Mariner  February 2026. if I live that long. 

+23° is way more comfortable then +30° C. And that's cloud cover not smoke. Anyway, that's all for now.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I got varicose veins

above my right ankle, but that's nothing to worry about. I did learn to elevate my feet for about half an hour before I need to head out to reduce the swelling in my left foot. Maybe 15 minutes of that should help in which case I can put shoes on.

After all of that we took a cab to Smitty's. I had a lousy $23 Hamburger. I was genrous and rounded the bill up to include a tip for sub par food. Anne paid for the cab home.

We we're home by 5pm. It was a busy afternoon. I got some foot care., we went out to eat. Food was bland but Anne is ordering Royal Pizza tonight. Next PCN is in October. No more outings for the rest of the month.

Monday, July 22, 2024

from the heet Friday. Could be about +21° C with a bit of rain. This heat is sapping all the energy out of me. Buster & Skippy (cats) are hiding. I have the fan on behind me for a bit of relief.

Odds n ends: 

Klondike days is well under way wraping up Sunday, tear down Monday. We're having a Telus service call between 3-5 today. Tomorrow, I'm out with Anne for my 2pm PCN foot nurse appointment. Smitty's for a bite to eat. That's it for the week. "Band of Brothers" is closed for August & most of September. Anyway, that's all for now.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Wow its +30° after midnight

In all my 46 years here, I've never seen heat this early in the  morning.

Pretty amazing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Telus arrived and gave our internet a boost

by adding an extra line. Our downloads and upload speeds are about 35% faster. My games are going to download faster.

Hopefully in the next 2 weeks if everything works out ok, I'm going to get the Elgato stream dreck. The new version in white. A bit of a birthday present for myself.

Thursday night at an undisclosed location nearby Anne and I are going out for our monthly outing.

I decided because now that Anne is on full pension (and my employer gives the ok) and I'm on full pension, I'm going to reduce my hours so we can keep what we have pension wise. Anyway that's all for now.  

Saturday, July 13, 2024

There was some

confusion from the other day over the senior housing provider we want to work with. They said they had not received my re assesment, when I know it was sent out last month. An apologetic email from their end was sent yesterday morning to clear things up. All that remains is to set up an interview so we can get things rolling. We're asking for a 2 bedroom apartment. We might have to move into another place until such a unit because availible.


My soon to retired Doctor last week suggested I try Ozempec. For 2 reasons: 1.) To lower my Glucose level, and 2.) Potentually to lose weight. The only thing is, it will cost me C $25/month. A friend of mine said under her husband's plan Ozempic cost her C $160/month.

I'm almost ready to stream Live with my gameing channel on You Tube. However I want one more device: The Elgato Streak deck. The new one in white. I'll order on Monday the day Anne and I are going out to dinner because we're having Telus over Tuesday to check our internet connection etc. Anyway, that's all for now.  

Friday, July 12, 2024

I'm really enjoying

my summer break.

We're finally getting a bit of a break from the heat. Right now its +18° C out there. Going to be pleasent without the AC on for a change.  We have 3 more days of this, then back into the heat wave.

Since I bought my compression stockings last Saturday, they fit well. I like this brand. However my left calf is slowly swelling due to some edema. I'll be seeing my foot nurse in about 2 weeks

And finally: July 11, 1987 is known as "Five Billion Day," the approximate date on which the world's population reached five billion people. Earths population is now 8.2 Billion people in 37 years. Anyway, that's all for now.


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I'm trying to cope with the heat here

in Edmonton. I rmember this time last year we had a lot of rain. Anne and I were about to head out to Memory express and I bought the 2Tb m.2 drive I'm using now. After we went to iHop nearby.

Before bed this morning at about 5am, I dl game pass for PC. Initially I thought I'd be able to play a game called Chivilary 2 but for somereason, it failed to initialize. This morning I tried again and figured this was an AV thing. I'm not sure what the issue was, but I was able to dl and install an old friend from the 80s. Bards Tale. The whole trillogy. I remember playing just the first game but life got in the way. I built & equiped a party. I'm not going to add this to my gaming channel. This is for my own indulgence.

Currently we're going through a heat wave here in the city. Right now we're at +29° We're callling for +34° C. I'm no worse for wear. Anyway, that's all for now.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Over the last 24 hours

 I was totally dehydrated. I got the headache and low energy. Alsmot like I had the flue. So, that took me out for about 18 hours. I couldn't even eat. 

I have 2 outings today: Helathcare solutions for compression stockings, and a late Doctors appointment at 4pm. He wont be done with me until ~ 4:45pm by the time I get out of there. I won't get home until about 6pm. I'm thinking about getting the compression stockings tomorrow instead

I ordered a wired game controller and a Blue Tooth (5.0) adaptor. Not sure why I bought the adaptor, but it will come in handy for ear bud headphones whenever I get some. 

We're supposed to be in for a heat wave next week. The pianting crew is more or less completed their work. Hopefully we're in for good weekend. Anyway, that's all for now.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Since my last entry I ordered

A wired game controller for my computer for game pass PC and a Blue Tooth dongle that needs to be activated in Device manager. It will be here Friday. After that another dongle for some ear buds. 

This morning I'll be contacting Service Alberta to see what is happening with our Alberta Seniors Bennefit letters of entitlement. Once we get those, we'll be able to get that interview and ask for a 2 bedroom apartment. That's what we want to look at.

Up next is a teleprompter and its going to be on the tripod behind my monitor. Hopefully its going to hold my camera and iPad. As for today, its my work laptop maintenance day. Anyway, that's all for now.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Not much going on this weekend

however, I have a Doctor's appointment. My Doctor of  20 years is retiering at the end of this month and I have an appointment on Thursday, to follow up on my Lab test from last week. Also on Saturday I have BoB.

I went to our Chapter BBQ and it was very nice. I didn't eat anything. I wasn't that hungry. The fellowship was good. I had Wetaskiwin, my lodge, and Chapter. So that's 3 Masonic events I went to

This month I have my Doctors appointment, BoB, and Anne and I are going out for our monthly "Date night." Plus I have 3 days I want to volunteer at Fort Edmonton, in the 3rd week of this month.

I'm not giving up my on my You Tube channel. My last video, is just about a channel update explaining how I'm going to take a break from music for the summer. I might get back into my gaming. See how that goes. Anyway, that's all for now.