Saturday, July 27, 2024

I'm going to get a cheep

 Teleprompter for ~ C $100. Instead of swaping my iPad for doing videos in OBS & screen record from the iPad, for ~ C $85 I can get a Amazon Fire HD 8 that I can use as a dedicated reader for scripts etc. I just need to get rid of the ads  on the tablet but there ar work arounds. 

I went to bed about 4am but managed a few hours sleep. I fgured I would stay up for awhile and then crawl back to bed about 11am for a few more hours.  About 8:30, I'm under thc covers but sleep was hard to get. So here's my Fit bit graphic:

I ended up with just over 5 hours within 2 sessions, it is what it is.

Today in Strangeness:
On this date in 1886, after years of planning, the trans-Atlantic cable was successfully laid and put into operation sending telegraphic communications across the ocean. Bugs Bunny made his big screen debut in the Warner Brothers cartoon, A Wild Hare (1940). The above taken from the Coast to Coast newsletter. Anway, that's all for now.

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