Monday, July 1, 2024

Not much going on this weekend

however, I have a Doctor's appointment. My Doctor of  20 years is retiering at the end of this month and I have an appointment on Thursday, to follow up on my Lab test from last week. Also on Saturday I have BoB.

I went to our Chapter BBQ and it was very nice. I didn't eat anything. I wasn't that hungry. The fellowship was good. I had Wetaskiwin, my lodge, and Chapter. So that's 3 Masonic events I went to

This month I have my Doctors appointment, BoB, and Anne and I are going out for our monthly "Date night." Plus I have 3 days I want to volunteer at Fort Edmonton, in the 3rd week of this month.

I'm not giving up my on my You Tube channel. My last video, is just about a channel update explaining how I'm going to take a break from music for the summer. I might get back into my gaming. See how that goes. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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