Sunday, July 18, 2010

I'm having a decent day off today

today hoping I can upload my first YouTube video. According to Wiki, YouTube gets about 100,000 uploads of video each day! That's a lot of video. If this works, I'll post a link on my Blogger blog maybe even insert the video as well.

Anne's out at the veggie market today. Someone last night while she was working stole some eggs from their lunch room fridge at her place of work. Her place of work (I wont say the name) are a bunch of scumbags. They wont put in security cameras in the lunchroom. Our place doesn't either but they removed the whole fridge. We're getting cameras installed eventually. The boss says they have them in Vancouver and Calgary. Anne knows a lot better now not to leave anything in that fridge. The other thing is her place of employment posts on the white board when her breaks are. Yeah like that helps out a lot. They do this for everyone and with 40+ people working there on any given night they know when she takes her breaks to go in and help themselves and place it in their tote bags.

I had 2 numbers on my 6/49 ticket last night. If I had the bonus number I would have won $5. Last week I won $10. I usually win small amounts like that. I've never had anything like 4 numbers or anything like that.

Thanks to a pointer from SF Signal Data Blog has posted a spreadsheet of every TV Doctor Who villain. They don't go into the villain's in the over 300 Doctor Who books or anything. Its a pretty good spreadsheet. You can head over to Data Blogs Flicker Group and check it out there as well.

Speaking about Doctor Who, its on at 5pm on Space. I'll be glad when we get that PVR so I can watch all this stuff. The thing with the router/modem combo might have the same problem as in our ISP's existing wifi all-in-one: They let you hook up a laptop and that's it. We've got 4 other wifi enabled devises here and I need them through Bluetooth to talk with the router/modem. If we can get everything working together then I can get onto Xbox live and start playing some of those other games other then Oblivion.

Ok now that the batteries are charged and Anne's out lets shoot this video. Anyway, that's all for today.

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