Friday, July 16, 2010

Kind of in a hurry today

I’m up early this morning about to have my first coffee. We’re getting a bit of rain and some thunder out there.

So, BP finally was able to cap the leak yesterday after what 85 days of spilling out tons of oil? They’re trying to get a couple of relief wells going but it’s like using a garden hose a few inches under ground and if it leaks along the way could cause even more trouble.

The Atomic Age began on this day 1945 when the US detonated its first Atomic bomb. Other then the one dropped on Japan to end WW2 there hasn’t been a Nuke dropped yet. And even after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, there has yet to be any bombs stolen (that we know of) so far.

In our local news the TV trouble shooter had a spot about how this one woman kept on getting all this junk mail. It was a new change of address. Canada Post has a little box on their change of address cards one is supposed to check off saying something like, “Do not release my change of address.” it’s a little pink card at the pos office or one can do this online. This doesn’t mean that the change of address can not be used by family friends etc it just means that 3rd party vendors won’t be able to send junk mail to that new address unless the owner of the address verbally release it. Or if they leave the box on the change of address card unchecked. By the same token, as a call center agent when we call a customer and the customer has just moved within the last month or so but for example doesn’t know their postal code, instead of wasting each other’s time. I’ll put it through. I might have to rethink this now, because there are people that put change of addresses left checked off.

I have no idea why that link from yesterday wont work. My other admin site guy doesn’t know either but I have a feeling it has something to do with the recent release of Firefox. It works ok in my Blogger blog. I mention this because I’m in an interesting discussion about the future of LRT expansion in our city. This year we’ve had the Southgate/Century Park expansion and currently the Nait (Northern Alberta Institute for technology) Line is under construction. It’s an extension that’s going to run from downtown to Grant MacEwan/Glenrose hospital and finally Kingsway shopping Center and eventually over to Greisbach. The line is supposed to come online by 2014. That’s just 3 and a half years away. The discussion I’m having with Connect2Edmonton (C2E) is about the WLRT. There are several stages to this: Strategy>Concept>Design>Build>Operate. We are in the Concept stage of the WLRT stage. Funding is expected by the end of this year or early next. The City wants to have the WLRT in place by 2016 when we make a bid for the 2017 Worlds fair and 2016 is 6 years away. The wlrt will be low floor which means it will be faster to build with less construction then the current lrt. Then on top of this there is the Katz group arena complex debate going on. Lots of good stuff happening.

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