Sunday, August 21, 2016

Things have been picking up

around here for the birthday boy lately. I discovered by accident on Friday that my place of employment had moved since I last spoke with the area manager about returning in September near the end of July. The office had been there since 1968 and we knew last March we were going to move but near Southgate? I couldn't reach anyone by phone Friday to confirm or deny or to get any details over the automated greeter. Press 1 for that, 3 for this etc. When I was on the phone with the area manager in July, I asked if we were in the same building, she said yes. Most likely they moved all the admin stuff over to the new place but we could still do the calling at the original office until the new year. I have very little information but that's what I figure.

Last night after watching a convincing 46-26 Eskimo win over the Argo's, I got into my you tube channel subscriptions. So I'm scanning Home, Trending, Subscriptions, and following the Riders/Hamilton game. I came across a Paul McCartney urban legend video. "The last will & testament of George Harrison" might be good for a laugh. Read the "show notes" under the video and it explains that this is a mockumentary, a spoof. John Lennon apparently called the faux Beatle Faul and It seems that John was so overcome by losing Paul he kept putting clues in following album covers like Sergeant Pepper, and backwards masking in the audio. The break up of the Beatles had to do with Paul's death and deception since 1966. Now I'm no stranger to concept albums. Frank Sinatra had a few concept albums, Sergeant Pepper, The Who's Tommy, Pink Floyd "Dark side of the moon" Here's a list of some concept albums. So basically Sergeant Pepper was a concept album about "the death" of Paul McCartney, which never happened. So this got me to investigate a bit further as to when this rumor of Paul's death originally surfaced. I came across this interesting article. I stumbled upon another article that had Ringo Starr "admitting" the deception last year but surfaced again earlier this month. This got me going. This can't be true. It had to be a gag article. Then I read Sir Paul's reaction to Ringo's claims. Then I found out that Ringo's admittance was a work of fiction not on his part. I'm wondering then since the Ringo Starr "interview was a work of fiction" why did Sir Paul invite the media to his home to debunk Ringo's claims a few days ago? The media should have seen the work of fiction for what it was. Personally I think Sir Paul's media gathering was a chance to promote Wings going into the rock n roll hall of fame. Then there's the dna conspiracy over a paternity lawsuit etc. Its a convoluted story. Personally I'm not buying the Ringo Starr "interview" any more then I'm buying the Paul is dead urban myth. Its fictional folks. Paul McCartney didn't die in 1966 but its a fun conspiracy. Oh and the Riders lost to Hamilton 53-7 Chris Jones is 1-7. I hope he goes 1-19 on the season, since he jumped ship for the money.     

I had a great weekend, watching football, reading, getting my Space Marine Battles book Saturday morning at Audrey's. Last night though a tooth started to bug me. The sleeping pill Anne gave me over night helped and I was able to get some sleep. Anne made us a great brunch and I started to get into Summerslam. What a show. I thought the main event was to short. It could have gone longer. Monday afternoon Anne and I need to go to a Commissioner of Oaths to have a document signed and I'm having my oas form notarized (if it needs to be done) at the same time. Anyway, that's all for now.

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