Thursday, November 29, 2018

Admittedly a few minutes before

timesheet call, I slow my calls down. This prevents me from getting a call at the last second, which would prevent me from catching my bus outside. My blood sugars were dropping. The bread and butter project age group had already helped out and from here on in like it was for the last half hour at least, quota fills. 😃 I knew any more pick ups on the other end were going to be not interested or quota fills. All of my calls after break were that way. So I made calls. Sure enough I get a survey and it was in one of the needed age groups, yeesh. I did the survey keeping my cool, the respondent was really good and made the survey go by fast. I did my timesheet and I knew I was going to miss my bus. From our corner part of the upstairs office window I could see my incoming bus on the street below. 🙄 At 8pm, I knew I was going to have a 20 minute wait. At least it wasn't going to be a cold wait. Finally about 8:25pm here was my bus. This was one of the new hybrid busses but this driver stopped at every red light along 124/Jasper and let off every passenger at every stop, there was a walker and wheelchair in there too, which further slowed things down. I just wanted to get back to my computer to chat with my friend for a few moments. The trip from 107/124 should take 10 minutes. Always does, the traffic was light. I was getting pissed. This guy took over 15  minutes. Other busses after Stony Plain road were passing him. Then I had another 10 minute wait for my lrt to Clareview, and that driver was taking his time. Then another 10 minute wait at Clareview. It took me an hour and a half to leave the office to get back to my place. My wife was on the computer. I was kind of rude to her ordering her out of my chair. My friend sent me a text message right away and we had brief chat. I laid the above out on her shoulders. She didn't need that. I hope she took it in stride. This evening before time sheet I'm going to slow my calls down this time. The project officially is over Friday in which case I won't be there but most likely we're going to use some of Saturday to complete the project. I'm on a scheduled 3 days off after that.

I'm following the LA/Oilers this evening, then Saturday its VGK. The Oilers are within striking distance of the last play off spot. Lately the Oilers seem to win one lose 2. Oilers 11-11-2 isn't great but its at least 500 hockey. If the Oilers can pull off what Buffalo is doing 10 straight wins or even what Vegas is doing, its doable and we're close to the last play off spot. End of March isn't that far off.

So if going out with my friend isn't in the cards Saturday, I've got options. I've got to get some meds at the Walmart pharmacy, and using the rec centre stationary bike across the street has been on my to do list for awhile now. I might do that tomorrow afternoon, after Anne leaves. Saturday, I need to go to Londonderry mall and get myself a new backpack. The backpack I'm currently using does the job but it looks like a children's back pack. Anne picked it up for under $5. Also, while at Londonderry after I shop I can get part 2 of a book series get some breakfast, take $20 with me to play the slots. Anne wants to go to Denny's on Sunday so that will be a good full weekend. I might even go to the Walmart pharmacy to pick up my meds tonight. We'll see. I might just stay home Saturday or go across the street play some slots have a beer. Anyway, that's all for now.

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