Friday, November 9, 2018

Looks like I could be off

work until at least about Wednesday 😃 and that's ok with me. Initially I wanted to work 4 days/week anyway. If all goes well this project could last until we break for Christmas, which usually would be about December 15th. 

I've been told several times I look to young to be 66 years old. Even people on the phone after the interview say something like "You young guys," etc. I say I'm 66. "You sound like your 32." Thankyou. I look like a youthful 55 year old. Anne says if I could lose 30 pounds off my belly, it would take another ten years off my appearance. Most likely my life as well. I don't mind getting old, I just don't want to look old.

Work and lodge are all fine and well. I need to do other things besides sit at home in front of the computer or read. I'm not big on watching television like binging on Net flex or anything like that. I went to the Eb games website to see what games I could get for my computer. I've heard of Guild Wars before. What is Guild Wars 2? So I checked into it and seems interesting but its still sitting in front of the computer. Some people at first couldn't get into the game to start but got into it eventually. I'll be looking more into this later today. Anyway, that's all for now. 

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