Monday, November 26, 2018

For some reason since

I slowly began weeding myself off this diet cola I'm not as thirsty as I led myself to believe I was. I first noticed this Saturday when I was out and about in the mall. Even at home today I had one glass of diet cola with my dinner. I'm just drinking water at work from now on.

For most of yesterday I felt alone and forgotten. Even by my friend and my wife. Anne usually sleeps in until about 3pm on a Sunday. I watched some of the Grey Cup over brunch and lost interest in that. I read for awhile, Facebook stuff etc. What I should have done was paid a visit to the rec centre to work off some of that sense of loneliness I've been feeling. Another opportunity lost that passed me by. This week I'm going to try and reach out to an old friend from the 80's. I have access to her phone #. I've been reluctant to call because its a business phone number. She's not on Facebook. I was so self absorbed last night I even forgot about the Oilers/LA game until I checked the score tied at 1 after the 1st period. The game was interesting until Talbot let that 3rd goal in. It wasn't his fault that the team coughed up the puck in the offensive zone for a LA breakaway goal. Welcome to Oil country Hitch, this is what you have to work with this year. Good luck with that.

I had a hot dog and fries for a lame late dinner last night. One good thing about this so "called exciting" weekend is I go back to work today. If I can't be with ones I love, then I'll go to the gym or to the Albert's 66 bar. At the bar I can bring in a $20 and play the vlt's and nurse a couple of beers for the afternoon and come home, pass out while watching the Oilers lose. At least I got some wrestling to watch tonight. Anyway, that's all for now. 

1 comment:

  1. gta 5 apk
    Keputusan tersebut sekali gus melebarkan rekod kemenangannya ke atas lawan dari Denmark itu kepada 16 daripada 17 pertemuan mereka sejak 2009.
